happy release date!

I hope to get my copy today. That would be great since it is my birthday as well.
Well, Happy Birthday Agricola! Hope you enjoy the day.

I'm hoping it'll come in today, but that's just wishful thinking. They probably won't send it out till tomorrow. o_O
Well, I had a number of listens and let things sink in now, so hopefully my quick review is somewhat informed. If you want to have yourself a "clean slate" hearing, maybe you ought to stop reading here, if not, maybe this will at least give you some idea of what it's like.

First of all, to give you a sense of where I'm coming from: my favorite Sadus album is A Vision Of Misery, with faster stuff like Machines and Echoes Of Forever as my favorite Sadus tracks. With that in mind (and my disappointment with the overly mid-tempo Elements), along with my penchant for technical, jazzy extreme metal (WatchTower, Death, Atheist, Necrophagist), here's what I thought of Out For Blood:

In The Name Of... - Nice up-tempo opener with cool breaks.
No More - Classic Sadus, I think - could've been a bit faster for my taste.
Smackdown - Too much Pantera-like riffing there for my taste. Interesting bass work, but not exciting enough to keep me concentrated on the song.
Out For Blood - Yeessssss, make my neck hurt some more! Great, aggressive riffs.
Lost it All - Could do with more variation in the song. I could've done without this song on the album.
Sick - Well, we already knew this one. Great stuff. Old-school fast Thrash, the way I like it (no qualms admitting that).
Down - Very heavy, pretty cool, but again reminds me of Pantera, and also Green-era Forbidden. Still good, if not at my favorite pace.
Freedom - Do I hear latter-day Death influences, there? Very cool. Sounds like it could've appeared on The Sound Of Perseverance, in more place than one. I wasn't surprised to read it's dedication to Chuck, after hearing it the first time. One of my favorites, along with the 1st, 4th, and 6th tracks.
Freak - More up-tempo stuff... me like! :) It's got some interesting hooks and breaks, enough to give it a thumbs up, even if it's not quite at break-neck speed.
Cursed - A bit on the long side (8:10), but fast and varied enough to stay interesting, especially due to Steve's bass work.
Crazy - Good closer, nicely up-tempo and again interesting hooks and changes. I have to add that Chuck Billy's guest vocals add something powerful as well. Could've used a minute of neck-wrecking towards the end, though...

All in all, this one might just replace Vision as my favorite Sadus disk, after it's sunk in some more, but it definitely rates a lot higher with me than Elements. Haven't had time to check out the bonus disk carefully yet (school vacation and I'm entertaining my 4 and 5 year old boys at home, you get the picture), but a first listen left a positive impression. Are these demo-recordings for the actual album recordings? Is there a place to get more detail on these three tracks (other than that the second is Maiden's Invaders and the third is mighty Dark Angel's Merciless Death)?
chainsawmax said:
well still plenty of time, so far just one person entered the contest!!!

Haha, that'll be me then. If nobody else is interested then maybe Darren should just send it all to me. :D

A great album it is too, more people need to hear it.
I just listened to 'A Vision of Misery' this morning, and I have to say 'Out for Blood' is right up there with the older albums.
I'm also loving the Merciless Death cover on the bonus disk, its got all the power of the original and is tight as fuck.
hello, can you please tell me what songs include the bonus disk? many thanks.
ps:Cant wait to buy it!.
I got a promo few weeks ago, and I'm waiting to order the limited edition CD

WHAT AN ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!

Sadus, you have made it big time... once again, I realize why you guys are my favorite Thrash metal band from the bay area...

KICK ASS album, 100% satisfaction from this Lioness. :headbang:
Its heavy, its shredig, its in the face, its well written, its progressive just in the right amount and thrashy, the sound and production is fantastic, the songs are not too catchy yet still stick in your head, I LOVE IT!
well done guys.