Happy Thanksgiving

Jessica Rose

Feb 2, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
I would just like to wish everyone a happy autumn and to all the Canadians here, a happy thanksgiving.

Since we're taking a break from recording this weekend I thought I would make the most of it being thanksgiving. I spent all night Saturday baking the most amazing pumpkin pie with brandied whipping cream, and then yesterday I went to a nearby pumpkin patch, bought tons of pumpkins and gourds, corn stalks and even a huge turnip for stew.

Here in Kitchener, it is Oktoberfest right now. I don't think I'll be going out this year, but I'll be sure to celebrate at home with plenty of beer, and I encourage everyone out there (of age of course) to do the same in celebration of October.

So, I would like to know what everyone else is doing for thanksgiving, or just to celebrate autumn in general.

Now offcicially since the equinox has past us, we have begun the reign of darkness. So, it is time to take out your darkest and grimmest metal albums, as you await the coming of the Woods III: The Deepest Roots And Darkest Blues.
I dont usually do much for thanksgiving but last night I went to my Aunt's house for some turkey and today I have band practice which will hopefully go very well. happy thanksgiving everyone
I'm a Canadian...but at school in the US...so I'm all messed up.
My body is expecting turkey, but I have to wait another month and a half!

And another thing that's messing me up here is that it's almost mid-October and hardly any leaves have turned...and yesterday it was about 25 degrees celsius outside! And I'm not even that far south of Canadia!
I'm cooking a turkey right now. One of those lazy butterball boneless deals, haha. Just being lazy around the house today; I took a week off work so I plan to do: nothing.
Jessica Rose said:
Here in Kitchener, it is Oktoberfest right now.

Is there a German community or the like in your town? Sounds interesting.

Over here there is a celebration called "Erntedank" what means something like harvest-thank literally but it is not really celebrated. In a town nearby there is a big feast every year but I have never been to there actually.

Anyway, happy thanksgiving to all of you ;)

edit: oh, happy birthday, hlid! :)
Jessica Rose said:
So, I would like to know what everyone else is doing for thanksgiving, or just to celebrate autumn in general.

No Thanksgiving for us down here in the Great Southern Land, I'm afraid. :p

The spring weather here in Melbourne has been great... blue skies almost every day and sitting around the mid 20's (celsius, that is ;)). The downside to this being that Australia's in the middle of a drought and the farmers REALLY need some rain right now.

Actually I had my first Thanksgiving dinner last year whilst I was still living in Japan. One of my American coworkers bought a fucking huge turkey from an import shop in Kobe (about 2 hours drive from our town) invited all his American and Canadian friends over (plus a few Aussies, heh) and we ate and drank ourselves legless. Great fun, I'd definitely do it again... it was particularly good doing it over there since we were all good friends and the closest thing to family, in light of none of us actually having family over there.
My Thanksgiving owned, yay for Canada! Was in Ajax over the weekend, at my aunt and uncle's (my uncle's the mayor there! W00t!) Was great, got to see all my older cousins get drunk, act like idiots and all that, haha. Good stuff, Canada FTW
i saw that snow from inside a tim hortons..i thought it was just hail at first.

ahh but im so glad its getting cold, i went for a walk in the ravine!
Trows said:
Thirty-Bloody-Four today. :erk:

Bloody ruined me, that. Had to wear a shirt and tie that day. :mad: On the upside, it was a job interview and I got the job, heh.

Regardless, I should've been at the beach with a beer in hand or something instead. :kickass: