Happy :)


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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Just ordered two UNicorn albums (Wierdest of Tales, and Collection of Worlds II) and Route 9-self-titled. Anyone that can tell me what to expect?
When you put the Unicorn-CDs in your player you will ask yourself to what other crap you've been listening years and years.
the Route 9-CD ist also pretty cool. Especially the more melodic moments. It's a bit like EOS, but with different vocals and a bit more melodic. Have fun. :loco:
The Weirdest Of Tales is the best Unicorn recording, in my opinion. As for A Collection Of Worlds II, the music is really cool, but Dan was really young when he did vocals on it, so they are very undeveloped and weird. The Route 9 is spectacular and might be my favorite metal project of Dan's...