Hard Panned L/R Audio Extraction


Jan 15, 2008
Does anyone know if you can extract audio that has been hard panned Left and Right from a Stereo 2Mix?

I recorded a track last year, panned the guitars fully Left and Right, and then destroyed the session file. Now I want to add the guitars into a track with better drum samples, etc. I know you can extract stuff that is Center panned using phase cancellation, is there anyway to do this for my L/R guitars?

If its just 2 guitars stereo'd, you can import as 2 mono tracks. But if its a full mix and you want just the guitars, that's impossible. You can remove the centre channel but then it goes mono and has a lot of artifacts.
^Yea that's what I wanted to do, it's a mix with everything in (Drums, Bass, Keys, etc) and I wanted just the Guitars out...


EDIT: In case anyone is interested, I did manage to find a tutorial that uses an application called "GoldWave" (free, no-limitation trial) and subtracts a lot of the center panned information, of course there are still artifacts but it's not bad!

I was going to say you could try a karaoke-style vocal removing plug-in, as they normally just cut out the centre - but removing information in the centre only works on signals that are identical in the left and right channels, so you're left with cymbals, toms, delays, stereo reverbs... it's pretty hit and miss. Voxengo MSED will let you alter Mid and Side volumes, so that does the same kind of thing too, and it's free.

GoldWave is an awesome little program, I use it all the time for recording from internet radio stations etc.
