Hardcore mix, need help

Yeah I found the vocals a little overpowering to the rest of the mix, I think you should bring the guitar and bass forward more. I know its the end but at like 2:50 when yo ucan hear the bass it sounds kind of weak and flabby to me (take that with a grain of salt because I'm a bass player ) I feel like the mix needs a little more low end.
Everything needs more life. Maybe parallel compress your drums, either on every track or just the mix as a whole....and get a reverb buss going with it. You don't need much. Inch it in to give the drums some life. And I agree about the vocals, they are a bit loud...and also the guitars. Some brightness could enhance things. Also, a more dynamic compression on everything that's being compressed might help. Get everything to sound like it is the finished, mastered producted before you get to the mastering stage.