Harley Davidsons...

Yeh, Both my folks are bikers and alot of my familyh is. I'm a broke asshole so I aint got shit. My mom even has a 1200 sportster. But I'm working on it. I'm more into dirtbikes. But that shit has cost me my shoulder and a couple of herniated discs in my back. Fat guys shouldn't fly.
I don't personally have one but my dad has a 98 Sportster. My uncle has a couple also and was in a couple issues of Easy Rider for his bike and his tatts. That fucker is a monster that lives and looks the Harley lifestyle.

I like dirtbikes more than street bikes. People are fucking retarded and never look for motorcyclists and kill people all the time around here. It's mainly women who never watch for motorcycles. I was driving my brother's bike to the store to get a pack of smokes and had 1 bitch tailgating me and 2 others pull out right in front of me. It was a good reminder of why I don't want one.
Yeah motorcycles are suicide machines. I had an Honda enduro once, some bitch turned right into me, I flew about 30' and my bike was totaled. You pretty much need a bike with straight pipes thats super fuckin loud so the idiots know your there.