Harmony vocals.. who likes them and who does them best ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Harmony vocals are a huge plus for me. A band that knows how to use them adds a real dynamic to therir music IMNSHO. Two German bands are my favorites at them, but use two different styles.

Vanden Plas - oustanding harmony vocals especially on "Scarlet Flower Fields"

Accept - gang vocals... though not exactly "harmony" I think it fits the subject. Cool sounding vox there.

I don't know about any metal bands that do them (I'm sure I've heard some but haven't been paying attention) however Weezer have some great harmonies on their first album.
With that said, I can imagine how popular Weezer are in here...
Blind Guardian is the first and most obvious band that springs to mind.
Candlemass, interestingly - at the end of "Samarithan" off of Nightfall, there's a nice vocal harmony.

I know there's more, I'll post again when I have a bit more time...
As mentioned earler in this thread, Blind Guardian has some really great vocal harmonies. Listen to the song "Nightfall" and you'll see what I mean. It really is hard to believe that it is just one man too(I think it's just Hansi).

Opeth and Agalloch have some good vocal harmonies. As well as newer Katatonia. Also, the outro to Ulver's "Capitel II: Soelen Gaaer Bag Aase Need" has this really great vocal harmony at the end of it that gives me chills!

Really though, I don't think any band should be mentioned in a vocal harmony thread before the great Queen. Freddie's vocal harmonies are by far some of the best vocal harmonies ever. Great voice, but I'm sure you all knew that already.
I've always really enjoyed Symphony X's harmony vocals.

I've never been quite sure if Russell Allen does them all by himself in the studio, but I know Michael Romeo and Mike Pinnella do harmony vocals live.
Blind Guardian, first and foremost, then Helloween and Iron Maiden's got some nice ones, now and then too, as does Queensryche.

As for gang vocals, Anthrax, and Accept. No doubt about it.
Actually I have to vote for Savatage on this one. When they do the "rounds". Like the layered vocals. For example, Chance, Morphine Child, and the one on Dead Winter Dead that I can't remember right now. They took that style into Trans-Siberian Orchestra with one of the songs on Bethoven's Last Night. I think it's killer when they do it and it gave me shivers live.
Symphony X, Demons & Wizards, and Queen are all great!
Lacuna Coil does some pretty cool harmonizing as well.
One band who's got it down perfectly though is (forgive me for mentioning a punk band here)...
Bad Religion. They have fantastic harmonization. If you're not familiar with them, please do yourself a favor and check them out. They're NOT your typical punk band! Greg Graffin's lyrics are pure genius. Besides, what other punk band do you know of who's lead vocalist has a fucking PhD for God's sake!? :err:
One of my choices would have to be David Defeis from Virgin Steele. He always seems to put his vocal harmonies at just the right places. House of Atreus Act I and II are good examples of this.

Lycanthrope- I totally agree with your opinion about Bad Religion. I have been into there stuff for awhile. Love Gregs "Ohhs and Awws".