Harry Wilson "Pure Steel" feat. Lee Turner (ex Panic Cell


more metal, more booze!!!
Hey guys,

Ive just completed this tune for a mate of mine, i did the reamping mixing and mastering. The guitars, bass and drums were all tracked elsewhere and i wasn't there to over see, however i know the mics used.

The drummer btw used to be in one of my favourite british metal bands - Panic Cell!!:headbang:

Was all done in 5 days so i don't think it's the best i could have done however, for the deadline its fine!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/369408/Pure Steel.mp3
Like I said on facebook, this is absolutely brilliant. Can you answer some questions about the drum tracking?

-How much mics were used?
-What kind of mics?
-Any special note/experience about the drum tracking, you wanna share?
Kick - RE27
Snare SM57
Toms Shure PG series
Overheads Joe Meek JM27's i believe

totally replaced the whole kit (apart from overheads of course) as the drum kit sound (both tuning and micing were terrible to work with, no definition!

thats about all i know from the drum tracking session!
This mix has great seperation. I wish the guitars could have been a tiny bit more saturated on the palm mutes.

If the snare was a bit less loud, slightly less cracky, and had a bit more body, it would be perfect.

The rest of the drum sounds are fantastic.

Overall, this is an excellent mix.
felix, thats my method you know! helps with the transients and less bleed on the overheads!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/369408/Fall In Line.mp3


Your drums sounds excellent. Congrats for reaching this. Recording drums is like an endless story for me, even after years of experience it´s still possible to improve it.

I played/recorded this 2009 as a soundtest, I only replaced the snare and the kick. It works pretty well in the mix. It´s quiet and not much compressed though.

This mix has great seperation. I wish the guitars could have been a tiny bit more saturated on the palm mutes.

If the snare was a bit less loud, slightly less cracky, and had a bit more body, it would be perfect.

The rest of the drum sounds are fantastic.

Overall, this is an excellent mix.

Thanks Greg! I guess thats my mixing style, punchy, clicky drums. I always seem to undergain my guitars (saturation wise) maybe by accident as i don't do it on purose! ill deffo look into smoothing them off in my next mix!

thanks all for the feedback.. helps me for my next mix!


Your drums sounds excellent. Congrats for reaching this. Recording drums is like an endless story for me, even after years of experience it´s still possible to improve it.

Cheers Felix!!:headbang::kickass: