Hartwall concert report


Nov 13, 2002
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8 cameras were spotted and Anette kept doing costume changes. I sense a concert DVD in the future.

Set list:
1. 7 Days to the Wolves
2. Ever Dream
3. Wishmaster
4. Romanticide
5. Amaranth
6. The Siren
7. While Your Lips Are Still Red (they call itWhile your hips are still spread)
8. The Poet and the Pendulum
9. Nemo
10. Sahara
11. Dark Chest...
12. The Islander
13. Walking in the Air
14. Last of the Wild
15. Meadows of Heaven
16. Ghost Love Score
17. Wish I had an Angel

Very DPP-centered. I'm kinda disappointed. I'd rather hear 'Planet Hell,' 'End of all Hope' and 'Creek Mary's Blood', and I better give up any hope of hearing 'Come Cover Me' ever again.
Heaps of Americans went to the Hartwall show. Two of them crashed in my student-apartment. It was great fun, and the pyrotechnics were finally where they should be -- IN the audience! :D I wasn't close enough to really see anything, but the sound quality was decent for being the back of a stadium balconey. I was a little surprised by the behavior of the fans in the back. It seemed that many people in the cheap seats were simply there to say they were there. They spent most of their time texting or making out. These must be the two biggest past-times in Finland, next to stalking Holopainen. What a shame.

Anyone else go? By the way, next time there is a show in Helsinki, and you come across an ocean to see it, I have enough space in my student apartment for up to three extra people. Four, if you don't mind the floor too much. Or I could just show you around town. :)