Has anyone else had an emotional reaction to the song Not to Be?


Fates Warning!!!
Jul 20, 2002
The first time I heard it my eyes filled up with tears and I was on the verge of crying like a baby.

Sometimes I have totally bizarre reactions to music, so I was wondering if I was the only one who felt extremely sad while listening to that song.

Wow, that is way cool!!!!! Elias to a awesome job with that song and my sister added her beautiful voice with her her cold and alone vibe.

Thanks Fata
Hey Fata,

It's nice to hear that you responded so strongly to "Not to Be." I definitely relate to responding strongly to music. I'm a music junkie myself! If I recall correctly, I was not in a particularly pleasant or happy place when I wrote it. So the effect was intended. And I think Troy and Jay's sister did an amazing job and Jay's guitar-work was absolutely stunning. I'm thrilled you're enjoying the album and thanks again for posting your responses, it means a lot!

Take care,
hmm, maybe I should fucking answer this discussion question: yeah, I've seen E/DM composing this and its a really beautiful song and watching him play I can see how he gets into it. The things in his mind, I don't know. So now I do get an emotional response listening to it, I imagine seeing him play this in my old living room in his idiot cousin's apartment, playing it in the dark; on the cheap organ where it echos and reverbs like crazy. Of course everytime I hear this song I'm wondering why the fuck he doesn't ever call me anymore.