Has anyone experienced this before?


Mar 26, 2009
Puyallup, Washington
Well I was upgrading my processor in my HP A6400f and I did the research to find one that is compatible with the stock motherboard. Well what happens is that I turn on the computer now and it goes for 2 mins. and then shuts down for no reason. I did alot of troubleshooting, I mean alot. I am a motherboard freak so I know what I am doing most of the time. I have a couple of things that might be wrong, either power supply (unlikely), overheating (doubt it but is still a possibility), Bios (already updated it, so it's unlikely), or incompatible (in which I proved wrong here:


My specs are here (besides the fact I have a quad core processor):


I am frustrated :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
intel heatsinks have to be screwed down ALL THE WAY, and literally, if they are even a little bit loose there will be an air pocket and the CPU will overheat almost instantly. And if you haven't, USE thermal past, a CPU will overheat without it.
I will see. I did put thermal paste on it. Arctic thermal paste to be exact. thanks for the suggestion. I'll try it. I know that the fan is a little akward because it's not the traditional screw in fan. It has some funky turn slot thing, and it takes a while to get the fan pretty secure.
yeah make sure that sink is really glued onto the CPU, I had that problem, its amazing how being off by a small fraction can cause severe overheating.
I'll chime in and say I used to have a dual core processor and upgraded to a quad core. I changed nothing else in my system.
But after the machine was on and if I did anything CPU intensive the computer would shut down.
At first I thought cooling problems.
Turns out it was the PSU. It couldn't handle the extra power the quad core took when it was under load. I replaced the OEM PSU with a a Corsair 750W and now it works like a champ.
Hopefully your problem is just the heat sink (that would be a lot cheaper).
The mounting pins for the HSF are a PITA! You have to push them all the way down until they click in. I felt like I was on the brink of snapping the PC board. Now I have a Xigmatek HSF that came with a screw down mounting kit. Much better than stock design.
well my fucking heat sink is now broken. I am fucking pissed as shit right now, and I'm thinking about just getting a whole new computer...

Edit: Maybe just a new heatsink, a new power supply and whatever else will make my fucking life easier...
if your PSU is under 500 watts i highly suggest that you replace it. But a 750 watt PSU for most systems is sually enough unless you are running two dual core GPU cards, could be a PSU problem, but get an aftermarket cooler taht should be easier to install if the problem still happens get a new PSU if that doesn't work, you might as well pick up a new motherboard, hard drive and a copy of a new OS and you have yourself a whole new system.