Has anyone tabbed Awakenings?

MorphineChild205 said:
I love this song! Has anyone tabbed it on bass or guitar yet?

I have never actually heard the song!!! I would like to very much... do I have to buy the import album? Where can I pirate it? *Arrrrrrr, matey* KaZaa didn't have the song, plus it crashed my hard-drive...

What do I do?
First off... and i am not giving you shit, but don't talk about pirating their stuff on the message board. We had this before and people were none too happy about talking about stealing music on their own board... disrespectful. Remember, not getting on your back shredmanwalking... just some advice before you get it nasty from someone else.
Hey, Odyssey, I'm sorry man. I didn't realize that was such an issue. It's just that I have searched the internet for a simple 10 second sound clip of "Awakenings," and found nothing. In fact, I have not been able to even find ANY information on it, except from the board. I consider myself a devoted fan of Symphony X. But because I am relatively young, I normally don't consider the money side to music at all, and thoughtlessly brought up something that is a touchy subject for some. Thank you for catching me when I posted something without thinking. Can anyone help me, or should I just order the import version of the cd? I already own "The Odyssey," and I wouldn't want to buy it again to get a new song.
by the way, i just noticed. I think that you are speaking of frontiers.... awakenings is song 7 (?) on the odyssey... frontiers is the japanese bonus track. And personally, i don't really care because i don't think the die-hard fans should have to pay another 40 bucks for one song, but i understand that speaking of downloading songs on the bands home board. I just thought i would let you know that this was discussed before before someone else decided to rip you a new one :D
Gimmie a sec....*takes deep breath*...ok here

Awakenings by Symphony X
Tabbed by The Satanic Rabbit




-meedly-medly-medly medly



Thanks again, Odyssey, for correcting my idiotness...
"Awakenings" is on the album, "Frontiers" is not. OK!

Maybe I should continue to think before I speak, hahahaah!
I know this is a little off-topic, but I have got the tab for Of Sins And Shaddows yesturday. And man, thats fuckin' KLLER. Not so much the string-skipping C minor7 lick at the start or the G# harmonic minor string skipping at the start of his second solo. They're actually pretty easy. But the scale runs going down at the end of both times are hardest. They take so much memorey and they come in just are hard to finger.