hatebreeder shape disc


Your Executioner
Nov 23, 2001
yo mamas ass
I have gotten over 20 question partaining to the hatebreeder shape this week alone so for once in all im going to clear up this subject... THERE IS NO HB SHAPE DISC!!!!!
If someone says they have it the fuck is lying!!!


Take it from one of the biggest cob collectors in the world
(also Zarok is big collecter I havent forgotten you dude :) )

He will tell you the same thing

once again

I don't know weather I'm the hundredth who said that, but Nuclear Blast offered the Hatebreeder shape for sale, and I ordered it, but it never arrived in my mailbox. So I called them, and they said it is sold out! First I was very angry because I ordered it very quickly after it was offered! A few month ago Zarok told me that there have never been a Hatebreeder Shape, so I'm pacified (with NB), hehe! So, I'm not suprised bout the aspect people talking about that.....anyway! On 21 of July there will be released the HATEBREEDER DELUXE VERSION, until now I don't know with wich specials...., keep you updated...
I guess the Hatebreeder Deluxe Edition will have the Downfall video as MPG and some other more or less important shit. This is the second COB release of Nulcear Blast after the band isn't licensed anymore to the label but Blast still make money with the name COB.
Yeah, I also have to buy it. I don't think that you really need the Deluxe Version when you already have the normal version but as a die hard COB fan and collector I have no other choice.
I know what you're saying. Like the Something Wild's deluxe: there was no information there that I haven't already known and I had the Deadnight Warrior video in VHS. And I also had the bonus tracks. I believe HB's release will almoust the same.. unfortunately. But I must it anyway :)
Maybe there will be one exclusive bonustrack but I don't think so. I guess there will be eventually No Commands and Aces High or Somebody Put Something In My Drink.