Hatecrew Review

That was one of the stupidest reviews ever... AND HE SAID THAT REPENT WAS A FUCKING BODOM SONG WHAT A DUMBASS. Okay it wasn't as bad as some reviews but what the fuck are 99% of all reviewers thinking? Oh yeah, they aren't.
Dude how was I saying that Repent was a Bodom song with the words "Repent (Whore) will no doubt be well known by the Finns being a cover of native band Cry Havoc" I think not. As for the points made above your post you are indeed right and I am a muppet and will get that rectified. Cheers

Sorry for being so aggressive - I was feeling pissed off that day - but this review just doesn't describe CoB that well... (hardly any reviewers ever describe a band well, they just give opinions, which are utterly useless). However you -did- do a lot better job than lots of ppl. And uh, Bodom didn't cover Repent... that's a pretty huge error... Repent is one of the many (and the most popular besides the Trooper) mislabeled mp3s. So in other words, it makes you look like a dumbass. :Saint:

PS By the way I didn't mean that you said Bodom made Repent... I was just using improper English to say that Bodom didn't have anything to do with it. I have to be more careful around foreigners.