Hatriot - Zetro's new band

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Damn it sounds good. Sounds like Exodus of course but a little bit more technical to me but very close to Exodus. His voice whilst not my fave is still better than Rob Dukes. The guitars shred like beasts and this is just a demo.

Bloody hell this kicks ass!!!! I will be on the look out for this album when it finally releases
The rebels in Libya are fighting and dying to gain their freedom and draping the Libyan flag around their necks because they love their country and want to be free and you come off with a comment like this.

It's completely comparing apples to oranges here. I'm not taking up for AS, but it's completely different. I'd prefer not to get into it, but if you want me to, I can lay it out for you.
I call it as I see it. And I don't mean that in a smartass way as I tend to agree with a lot of your posts on many topics here in the forum.

Appreciated, and I didn't take it in a smartass way, heh. The situation in Lybia and here are completely different in the fact that the overly patriotic people here are the same ones who will say in a heartbeat that we are the greatest country on earth (without ever leaving the country to find out on their own, some not even leaving their state or hometown), bitch about terrorism and the middle east, but yet drive huge gas guzzling vehicles, etc... The people in Lybia have never really known freedom because of captain fuckhead over there, so now they have a small taste of it and are going apeshit because of it. I'm quite a patriotic person, in the fact that I love my country, but absolutely loathe my government. With that said, I think I can relate to a lot of these people. Not going to take it any more political than that, as I know Glenn hates it.
It's completely comparing apples to oranges here. I'm not taking up for AS, but it's completely different. I'd prefer not to get into it, but if you want me to, I can lay it out for you.

Actually, my point was completely a-political. I just think that metal should be about making ballsy statements. Not making safe statements that everyone will agree with. That's too easy! You could be the most loyal American in the world, but what does that have to do with your band's image exactly? There are Christians who play in secular and even Satanic bands. It's just art, man. :) *hippie voice*

It's about time we remembered that bands like Exodus were awesome back in the day because they had no class. They were all balls!
The rebels in Libya are fighting and dying to gain their freedom and draping the Libyan flag around their necks because they love their country and want to be free and you come off with a comment like this.

I would think one of the things they want is you know, the right to speak freely? I mean last time I checked, artistic and creative freedom is... freedom. Don't you think this comment is a tad hypocritical?