Haunted-esk song......kind of

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Getting close to having this song finished hopefully.

Guitars are Revalver with the JSX model with no post processing.

Drums are AD but the snare and kick are replaced with the Arch Enemy kick and Slate snare.

Check it out and gimme any ideas on how I could make the mix better. I feel like the guitars might be a bit dark. And the end still weirds me out so I am working on that.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/324317/A Secret Death.mp3

i actually think the darker guitar sounds really fits this song man.
everything sounds pretty good to me. sometime's i feel like there is a lack of presence from the snare.. only thing i could really point out.
sick song!
Only thing I can say about the mix is the snare sounds a little weird. It sounds really good though man, I love the riffs. I Would love to hear this with vocals.