Just wondering if anyone here had entered that comp Katatonia are running? I have, but was wondering if anyone else has (and yes, I can see there are 22 entries on the site, I was just wondering if anyone here was responsible for 1 or more of them
). How did you find doing it? For me, converting my 4-track tape recording into MP3 was pretty darn hard- took about 2 hours to figure out how to record on my computer (I KNEW it was possible, I just didn't know how........). Took 20 mins to figure out their song, re-wrote it in about 2 hours (I changed it alot), spent about 4 hours trying to make a decent recording of it. I discovered I can't do death-metal vocals very well- I only went through the song twice, which only must have taken 10 minutes, but my throat was sore for about 2 days afterwards
(OK, sure, I probably should have warmed up first, and it has been 5 years since I did any 'proper' singing, but still.....
Anyone else out there????

Anyone else out there????