have YOU entered the mp3 competition??


Black Stone Wielder
May 21, 2001
New Zealand
Just wondering if anyone here had entered that comp Katatonia are running? I have, but was wondering if anyone else has (and yes, I can see there are 22 entries on the site, I was just wondering if anyone here was responsible for 1 or more of them :loco: ). How did you find doing it? For me, converting my 4-track tape recording into MP3 was pretty darn hard- took about 2 hours to figure out how to record on my computer (I KNEW it was possible, I just didn't know how........). Took 20 mins to figure out their song, re-wrote it in about 2 hours (I changed it alot), spent about 4 hours trying to make a decent recording of it. I discovered I can't do death-metal vocals very well- I only went through the song twice, which only must have taken 10 minutes, but my throat was sore for about 2 days afterwards :( (OK, sure, I probably should have warmed up first, and it has been 5 years since I did any 'proper' singing, but still.....:lol: ).
Anyone else out there????
I did entry #13- 'A Darkness Coming'- listen to it and you'll hear I really wasn't kidding when I said I couldn't do death vocals :lol: (I even turned them down really low in the mix, they sucked so much! :goggly: Do kinda wish I hadn't now though, everyone should get lo laugh at it :loco: ).
Also, it turned out waaaaaaayyyyyyy more doom than I intended originally, but that seems to be my eternal problem- everything I touch turns to doom :u-huh: . I can sit down with the intention of writing a really brutal black metal riff, within 2 minutes I've come up with a cool doom riff, and am wondering about the feasability of doing a black/doom song :err:
Ah well, no point fighting your true nature I guess.....
hey! i liked your entry! its cool you switched the song up a bit, and your playing is very musical. lotsa dynamics and emotion, everything lines up wonderfully. good job!
i did entry #19, saw you drown. thats the first katatonia song i figured out myself on guitar, and the one i can play best...so it was the proper choice. it was not fun recording it! i only used the windows soundrecorder program-totally lame! i hate computers, im about out of space on mine, so it was like i didnt want to add new programs and take the time to figure them all out. especially with school going on now.... blah, blah.
anyways i recorded the rhythm guitar part. then i used a microcassette recorder and recorded that part off of my computer. then i recorded the other tracks, listening to the microcassette recording of the original rhythm part to get the timing and such. i wanted to use an autoharp for the little extra guitar parts in saw you drown, but the son of a bitch wouldnt stay in tune. i tuned it 4 times-36 strings!!! ah!!!!! that about drove me crazy.
so then for the vocals. i cant sing! i can growl ok, but singing...mmmmm no! i recorded the vocal lines on trumpet, and that just sounded stupid. so then i chain smoked, practiced and just kind of mumbled the song out. and that was that. pasting all the tracks together took forever. i had 3 sheets of paper covered in like "3.56, 3.57, 3.61, 3.59," from finding the right second to put the extra tracks on so theyd line up. it didnt always come out perfect but it worked.
in retrospect i wish id used trumpet for some of the extra guitar tracks instead of making it totally acoustic guitar. oh well what can you do!? :p
Cheers, Evisceratrix.
That sounded like a total nightmare to record!!:eek:
Quite a cool result though, I like the vocals alot, you've got that whole self-concious-and-depressed thing down well :) Trumpet would have been absolutely killer!! :lol: (Doom trumpet, I can see it now....) If one of these comps comes along again, you HAVE to do it!!

Oh yeah, don't forget to vote for yourself!! (atleast everyone can be secure in the knowlege they'll get atleast one vote :goggly: )
hahaha doom trumpet? i hear that every other day in band class! ...doom trumpet :lol:

yeah i thought, maybe i should send a really sexy picture with my song so ill get more votes! haha no way! just kidding! my vote was kind of biased though....i voted for a friend's band that i do a little vocal work with on their mp3.com site sometimes! so hey i guess i voted for myself way indirectly. :muahaha: