Have you ever piss in your glass and called it recycling ?

Urine is sterile but it can pick bacteria and shit as it exits the body throuh unwashed dicks and pussies, so if you wanna drink it, wash your love parts and then collect the urine mid-stream.
Guerrilla said:
Urine is sterile but it can pick bacteria and shit as it exits the body throuh unwashed dicks and pussies, so if you wanna drink it, wash your love parts and then collect the urine mid-stream.

Are you sure you haven't worked in a lab?!
If you've ever been tested by a doctor, they tell you that too. (Not the drinking part, haha.)
NL...I was teasing G about the labwork thing. I wasn't serious.
I read that there was (is?) a company called Enzymes of America that collects pee from port-a-potties and makes a pee-pill. Apparently port-a-potties have filters that collect pee proteins and then they are made into a pill people take to stay in good health or something.