Have you guys seen this?

Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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It seems that Bob Daisley wrote most of the songs on Blizzard and Diary and played the bass tracks on both albums. I thought that Sarzo played on one of them but apparently it was Daisley on both. Sarzo was just with the touring band later.
If I understand the article, Daisley played all the bass on those cd's and Kerslake played all the drums. He and Kerslake wrote the majority of the songs yet others were given credit.
Now apparently there are releases where they have gone in and recorded new bass tracks and drum tracks for those cd's.

My Blizzard and Diary Cd sound like the same performances as the albums I used to have. Does anyone know if the newer cd's have different guys playing on them?

What a convoluted mess!
My first 2 cd's are the original members as you wrote. No mention of credits. My Randy Roads Tribute cd states that Rob was part of all Ozzy songs as a writer.:confused:

My cd's sound the same are the original bass tracks and sounds as the original I remember playing to when growing up. I'm wondering if there are a remastered version of the cd's with new tracks. I have to go check it out at the store.

Sorry I can't be of any more help
Yea, I've never been able to confirm Daisley's story about replacement tracks. To be honest, I think that it might be a publicity story to draw attention to his lawsuit.

In my opinion, Daisley has waited way too long to make a fuss over it. If he wanted a signed contract stating that he'd get credits and royalties then he should've pursued that BEFORE releasing the album or providing the material. If he HAS a signed contract, then he'd probably already have gotten his royalties and credits.

It seems to me that he didn't handle things right in the first place and is trying to make up for it now by suing. I say "tough shit". If you wrote the songs then you are a fool for giving them away like that. I think Daisley is going to have to live with the decisions of his past.
Yeah I agree Ec. Daisley should have taken care of things properly. Waiting all this time to come out with his side of the story doesn't help him.
I wonder if what he says about him and Kerslake coming up with most of the material is true. I always that Randy had to have been the major contributor back then.
If it's true that they are now replacing parts on those two albums I think that's ridiculous. Those cd's are classics and shouldn't be messed with.
Those two albums ARE Randy, IMO. I can't imagine that Daisley had some two-album stroke of genius and wrote that material. I think it's fairly obvious that those albums are Randy's and he'd ought to shut up and leave it alone. He has no other material of his own that even comes close to those two albums. Obviously I can't really say for sure, but I think that Daisley's full of shit. :p
this is a topic that is a thorn in my side...

Bob wrote all the songs on the first 2 Blizzard albums with Randy. Randy came in with the riffs, most of which he had used in Quiet Riot and Bob turned them into songs, with melodies, hooks, etc. Randy stated many times in interviews about the great working relationship he and Bob had and Bob is CERTAINLY not trying to downplay Randy's contribution as a solid co-writer.

Bob sued and won in British Courts back in the mid 80s. The cases here in the states have been in lawyer limbo for years and it was Sharon and Ozzy's re-recording of the bass and drums and re-release of the cds that has brought this issue back to the forefront.

Sure, Bob made a mistake in the beginning, he assumed he and Ozzy and Randy were mates and were forming a band... not an Ozzy solo thing. He did his best as a songwriter and bassist to make the albums as strong as possible... and they are easily the best of Ozzy's career. But then it was decided that he wanted too big a piece of the pie and was ousted. He has worked with Ozzy since, because he is a good sport and also knows that Ozzy is a great way for him to get his music out. He is a musician...and unfortunately not an attorney.

The recording world is full of lies on album covers:
Pete and Ace played on alot less Kiss albums then you would know.

Alive and Alive II were not that live.

Tons of bands use drum machines... Killdrums, are you out there?

The only thing you can believe when you read liner notes on an album is that the artists, all of them, are getting screwed by the label and the management.
It seemed to me that Daisley was implying that Randy wasn't the major factor in the songs on those two albums. Maybe Daisley and Kerslake came up with most of the lyrical ideas and that is what he meant.

I've read interviews with Zack where he has said that Ozzy doesn't write lyrics so there could be some truth to that.

Whatever the case, those cd's are still great.

I don't think Daisley can prove what he says and in the interview comes across a little bitter. The business side of music...:rolleyes:
actually, as stated above, Bob proved his case in court and won in Great Britain. Here in the states, actually being right isn't as strong a case as having better paid, higher profile attorneys who can stall the system until your time limit runs out.

Bob's story has not changed in a single interview I've read with him since 1982. Ozzy's changes daily.

Check out Randy's work on the Quiet Riot tracks. He came up with the riffs and then re-used them on the Ozzy stuff. That's it. They are amazingly cool riffs, but riffs do not make a song. The lyrics and melodies on those 2 cds are miles ahead of anything else in Ozzy's catalog.

He might not have spewed forth eternally at the altar of Randy in that one interview, but he has countless times before spoken highly of Randy's talents.
Originally posted by NobleSavage
actually, as stated above, Bob proved his case in court and won in Great Britain. Here in the states, actually being right isn't as strong a case as having better paid, higher profile attorneys who can stall the system until your time limit runs out.

Bob's story has not changed in a single interview I've read with him since 1982. Ozzy's changes daily.

Check out Randy's work on the Quiet Riot tracks. He came up with the riffs and then re-used them on the Ozzy stuff. That's it. They are amazingly cool riffs, but riffs do not make a song. The lyrics and melodies on those 2 cds are miles ahead of anything else in Ozzy's catalog.

He might not have spewed forth eternally at the altar of Randy in that one interview, but he has countless times before spoken highly of Randy's talents.

Maybe you have more information than I do. I've heard some of the work Randy did with QR but I don't remember much about it.
He helped to write Slick Black Cadillac didn't he?

Saying a riff doesn't make a song is too much of a generalization for me. It depends on the song really. I personally prefer music that is based on a strong riff. All the technical chord changes and scales in the world can't save a song with a generic riff. IMO

I don't recall hearing riffs like Over the Mountain etc...on the early QR albums. It's possible that there are similar style riffs given the fact that it is Randy.

It seems like you are in total agreement with Daisley on this. My opinion is that there is Ozzy's version of the truth, Daisley's version, Sharon's version...etc...and then there's the real truth which we will probably never know.
Originally posted by NobleSavage
actually, as stated above, Bob proved his case in court and won in Great Britain. Here in the states, actually being right isn't as strong a case as having better paid, higher profile attorneys who can stall the system until your time limit runs out.

Bob's story has not changed in a single interview I've read with him since 1982. Ozzy's changes daily.

Check out Randy's work on the Quiet Riot tracks. He came up with the riffs and then re-used them on the Ozzy stuff. That's it. They are amazingly cool riffs, but riffs do not make a song. The lyrics and melodies on those 2 cds are miles ahead of anything else in Ozzy's catalog.

He might not have spewed forth eternally at the altar of Randy in that one interview, but he has countless times before spoken highly of Randy's talents.

Sounds like you've been following this more closely than I, Noblesavage. I had no idea actually that Daisley had sued and won in British courts. :confused:

I still think that Daisley needs to take responsibility though for not having a clear, legally binding agreement in place long, long ago. It's hard for the courts to make determinations without one.
Ok, I did some searching and here is what I came up with.

I read many articles and there is one specific article where Daisley states that Ozzy didn't write any of the lyrics.
"Ozzy didn't write lyrics" says Bob over the phone from his home in Australia." He never wrote lyrics in Sabbath — Geezer Butler wrote all those lyrics and Randy [Rhoads] wasn't a lyricist, and Lee Kerslake wasn't a lyricist, so I took over the lyricist job," he adds, recalling the formative days of The Blizzard Of Ozz.

Zack says the same thing about Ozzy in interviews I've read with him.
My thoughts on this:
Daisley should be fully credited for every lyric he contributed. Royalties are another matter depending on what kind of contract he signed.

In the same article he also states:
"Ozzy doesn't play an instrument and he's not all that musical," says Daisley. "He's got good ideas as far as melodies go, but usually the melodies came after the music had been put together, and most of the music [on Blizzard] was put together by me and Randy, and for the second album, me, Randy and Lee."

My thoughts:
Ok, that clears that up for me. He admits Ozzy contributed melodies. I thought he was giving himself more credit for the songs than Randy and next to none for Ozzy. He does give Ozzy minimal credit for melodies. However, you were right about him giving Randy ample credit NobleSavage.
Once again I don't know how this should translate into royalties. Did he sign a contract as a hired gun? If he did he probably was paid once for his services.

As far as Ozzy removing his and Kerslake's parts:
Total bullshit. I hope my version of the cd's last forever because I won't buy some replacement crap. I think the bass and drumming on Blizzard and Diary are incredible and want to hear those cd's like they are.