

Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
Seven hurt in punch-up at Church of the Nativity

Palestinian police officers intervene in a fight that erupted between Greek Orthodox deacons and Armenian priests during the cleaning of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

Police were called to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem after a fight broke out between rival priests

The cradle of Christianity was rocked by an unholy punch-up when Greek Orthodox and Armenian priests came to blows in a dispute over how to clean Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity.

The ancient place of worship, built over the site where Jesus Christ is said to have been born in a stable more than 2,000 years ago, is shared by various branches of Christianity, each of which controls and jealously guards a part of the holy site.

The brawl apparently began when Greek Orthodox priests set up ladders to clean the walls and ceilings of their part of the church after the Christmas Day celebrations.

Armenian priests claimed that the ladders encroached on their portion of the church, which led the two sects to exchange angry words which quickly turned to blows.

Witnesses said that the robed and bearded priests scuffled for more than an hour using fists, brooms and iron rods as weapons.

Photographers who came to document the annual cleaning ceremony instead recorded the entire event.

Five priests were lightly injured in the melee, which was eventually broken up by a dozen unarmed Palestinian policemen. Two of the policemen were hurt in ending the brawl.

Victor Batarseh, the Mayor of Bethlehem, said that he has had to intervene in the past to ensure that the cleaning of the Church happened in an orderly fashion. “As usual the cleaning of the church after Christmas is a cause of problems,” he said.

Even priests were not immune from the tensions that fill life in the West Bank, said local shopkeeper Fayed Sahiri. “We live in a very tense, very afraid way under the occupation. It is unavoidable,” he said.

The outbreak of the Palestinian uprising against Israel in late 2000 and the fighting that followed has clouded Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem for years, battering the tourism industry that is the city’s lifeline.

It is not the first time that a ladder has led to fisticuffs among priests in the Holy Land. In the courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, in Jerusalem’s Old City, a ladder still stands as a reminder for all priests to watch their tempers.

One hundred years ago, the ladder was erected by a priest attempting to repair damage done during an earthquake. Another sect accused the priest of trespassing and a fight broke out.

When the dust settled, the priests decided to leave the ladder as a reminder to the future keepers of the Church to solve their disputes in a more Christian fashion.
Meanwhile, in mother Russia...

Putin’s babes sex up Duma
Nicola Smith and Anna Voutsen, Moscow


VLADIMIR PUTIN has resorted to an age-old trick to capture the voters’ imagination: sexing up the Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, with an array of glamorous new female recruits.

Ahead of this month’s rigged parliamentary elections, Putin was reported to have complained that there were not enough beautiful women in his United Russia party. The error was soon corrected with a platform of stunning ladies, including four former athletes who have starred in topless photoshoots and Svetlana Zakharova, the elegant principal ballerina of the Bolshoi.

Top debutante among the new Duma intake (already being described as “Putin’s babes”) is Svetlana Khorkina, 28, a leggy blonde who was a seven-time Olympic medal-winning gymnast. She caused a scandal when she appeared nude in Playboy magazine with her unashamed “If you’ve got it, flaunt it” approach.

“I changed people’s attitudes,” she said. “It’s very good to be sexy.”

Svetlana Zhurova, 35, a former Olympic speed-skating champion, also stripped for a men’s magazine, hiding her breasts modestly behind her skating boots. She said she chose to go into politics to promote sport and youth. “Youth is our future,” she gushed.

Alina Kabayeva, 24, a curvaceous rhythmic gymnast, has been pictured seminaked in a fur rug. Natalia Karpovich, 35, a boxer and bodyguard before she entered politics, has also appeared in a magazine wearing only her boxing gloves.

Putin, who is due to step down as president in March but will remain the power behind the throne, caused a flurry of excitement among Russian women last summer when he posed shirtless on a fishing trip to Siberia.

The photoshoot went down well with the voters, who returned United Russia with 64.1% of the vote, but raised hackles among his opponents. “Putin’s behaviour is becoming increasingly irrational,” said Boris Berezovsky, the exiled tycoon living in London.
The comments to the first article are HILARIOUS!!! hahahhaa.

"Thank god that we have Palestinian policemen to restore order amongst the ideological, violent, extremist Christians."

"The local shopkeeper quoted in the above piece blames the fracas on the "occupation." Isn't it typical and absurd? - the Greek Orthodox and the Armenian priests go at it .... and the Jews get the blame!"

"You see, this would never happen amongst us Atheists! "

" A novelty indeed. Normally religious leaders let their followers do the fighting."