Hay Guyzzzzzzz!!!11


Jul 22, 2004
I just ordered all 3 of OL's CDs from Dark Symphonies' webstore. $10.00 apiece. w00t. This'll be my second copy of 'Mabool' but I'm giving it to a friend becase he really likes OL.

Just thought all of you should know.
Well, this is the first I've heard about the first two OLs being available here in the States. Hey, Sepsis, could you come back here and post when you receive the cds? If that company is prompt with their deliveries I might order the first two albums as well.
Obay> I can only imagine how expensive it will be to you. Wouldn't it be aesier and cheapier for you to have it posted to you by a friend abroad?

If there is somehing you'd like to get, I would be glad to be of assistance.

Trans siberian> get those first 2 and include the EP as well.
Morticia NL.

I thank you alot dear, indeed I will need somethings but in future

but for the time being I can buy any CD with only and only 1$ :OMG:
yeah 1 dollar I can buy any new recored or MP3, even we got records before they are released, I got Nymphatamine (COf 2004 album) before a month form it's offical release date.

I can buy all what a band made in all of it life career with only 1 dollar
a DVD cost 3$ , ha
so $10.00 a piece, is a really expensive, isn't ?

I got hundreds of Mp3s
all of what COF made tell Midian in 1 cd, all Dimmu work, Theatre of Tragedy, Therion, Morbid Angel, Metallica, Dark Tranquilty, In Flames, ........ I can't name every body .

in my house only I got few MP3s, I collected what I got , I got about 280 albums (just metal music ) for about 120 Bands, and I have nothing comparing to my friends.

one of my relative came here from Canada two weeks ago, and he bought about 120 cds.

but it's hard to have posters, t-shirts, patches, accessories and original recoreds, it costs 25 or sometimes 30 dollars.

So in fact if you need something you tell me :wave:
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Well, this is the first I've heard about the first two OLs being available here in the States. Hey, Sepsis, could you come back here and post when you receive the cds? If that company is prompt with their deliveries I might order the first two albums as well.

Yeah. Despite Christmas and Sunday, I got my order about a week and a half later - free shipping and all. Sorry I took so long to respond but I haven't been able to get online for about a week.

By the way the albums rule very much.
obay bringer of light said:
no, but they are copied here localy
they aren't original, original one cost as same as in Europe

ahhhhhhhhhh, ok, so you are talking about what here in Spain is colloquialy called as "top manta"... I mean that you weren't talking about original cds...
ok, now I understand...

But bying unoriginal cds is illegal, man! :p (as you, for sure, know :))
Mina Harker said:
ahhhhhhhhhh, ok, so you are talking about what here in Spain is colloquialy called as "top manta"... I mean that you weren't talking about original cds...
ok, now I understand...

But bying unoriginal cds is illegal, man! :p (as you, for sure, know :))
Basically yes, but im some countries it's the only way. Like most mid-east dictatorships...