hayyy thar, Blakk Winner Dayy!

Hayy noww dame-it, thatz naught nice! Aww, just kidden, heyuk, heyuk!;) Yup, only a truu heek like mysulf wood have a Cuzin Smukey!(Smewkee)
Owww, mane, why ya keep be'in meen ta mee? Umm naught reely a heek, I just have sum distunt heek rellativs, thatz all! They're the funn rellativs, though!(heyuk, heyuk:D )
awriiiiiite yaaaw, eef wat yuu waawnt iuz uh hikk, iiii gocher hikk riiiite heeeer. Iiiii liuv awn uh fahrm yuh seee.... fehr reeeel....
(if you dont know what im talking about, try the *your cds may be in danger* thread)

yooo gawtz tuh bee uh hikk, yer frum tayxuss.... iii wuz uh yainkee wun tiiim, yuh noe?
Now, mane. We don't see tu manny a'those rownd heer. Uh down't liv in tha cowntry, uh liv in tha sittee. Ever now und then wee maught see a grASS snake but thatz bout it, mane.;)
heh heh. That Taco bell got to ya, huh?:D Owwkay, bakk to bee'in a heek. Mane, towlkin like a heek is kinda hard, mane! But it lets me get the trew heek in mee owt.
ahh, so yur even mor a heek than mee! Wheel, I gots to go now. Gots to pick muh muther up frum work, so ull catch ya later, mane!:p