HC Fest and people who are under the age of 18 that want to attend.


Aug 29, 2002
In Space
For those who are under 18 and want to come to the show...

I asked the owner about people under 18 and if they can still come in if they are with someone over 18. This is what he said.

"Any child under 18 can come with a parent or older sibling."

So yes... you can still come!
For those who are under 18 and want to come to the show...

I asked the owner about people under 18 and if they can still come in if they are with someone over 18. This is what he said.

"Any child under 21 can come with a parent or older sibling."

So yes... you can still come!

Hey MisterMayhem (your name escapes me at the moment.) I just received my 2 day pass for this joyous weekend. My question to you is, why is there only one tear off for a 2 day event? There is no bar code, so obviously the tickets won't be scanned. Will the tear off not be taken until night 2?

Que es esta foolanery?!?!?
Nah, just pick the nearest RC'er and ask if you can come in with one of us. We're really cool and there's bound to be an extra on hand when you need one. It'll be like an RC Escort service without the trophy date or the sex. But alcohol and foolishness is guaranteed.
Hey MisterMayhem (your name escapes me at the moment.) I just received my 2 day pass for this joyous weekend. My question to you is, why is there only one tear off for a 2 day event? There is no bar code, so obviously the tickets won't be scanned. Will the tear off not be taken until night 2?

Que es esta foolanery?!?!?

I will have Kris explain that to you. That is his idea. I might get it wrong.

Man I am a retard...

btw... John is my name.
Its simple. You will be given a special wristband when you come to the show the first night. That wristband is good for both nights. You must have the wristband on when you come on Saturday or you don't get in and will have to buy another ticket. You will not need to bring the ticket with you on the second night, the wristband will be all you need.
Its simple. You will be given a special wristband when you come to the show the first night. That wristband is good for both nights. You must have the wristband on when you come on Saturday or you don't get in and will have to buy another ticket. You will not need to bring the ticket with you on the second night, the wristband will be all you need.

They should make the wristband out of paper and a bit of adhesive so it can't be easily removed yet disintegrates if anyone showers... so everyone has to pay again to get in the second night.