Headbanging Dangerous????

Haha, the guilty pleasures of scientists.

But it's obvious that it's dangerous.. you could figure that out yourself.
"They also suggest that some record labels place anti-head banging warnings on the packaging." uhu, and warning signs at gigs saying "don't headbang in an angle more than 45 degree" same as the no crowdsurfing sign... you can't help it.
I headbang all the time, but the day after usually means a sore neck and that cant be good. I wanna ask Ol and Matt how they manage to do it every night on tour. Does it hurt?
sure that it's not good to headbang all the time but Iam often headbanging at concerts like at Evile for example :kickass: but I don't think it can really affect negatively to your health - It's just a little bit Pain and headache a day after the show that's all..
It's interesting I read a similar article bout that metal fans are more intelligent than others though they have no self-confidence - ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!

(though they could be right that Metalfans are more intelligent!?! :loco:)
I read something like that too, they could be right.. but it still depends on every individual. Perhaps because Metal is something you just have to understand, it stands for many things, and most of the time it's not just a sell out. But don't really get the no self-confidence part... from what I read it said that they actually did have self-confidence.
I read something like that too, they could be right.. but it still depends on every individual. Perhaps because Metal is something you just have to understand, it stands for many things, and most of the time it's not just a sell out. But don't really get the no self-confidence part... from what I read it said that they actually did have self-confidence.

yeah exactly my point too..this article was originally written in a german magazine called "Der Spiegel" but I read it just in the german metal hammer (music magazine) where this article was criticized not only by the metal-hammer crew even by many high educated people which have studied music!
anyway I don't know how this should be representative for ALL Metal-listeners???
sure that it's not good to headbang all the time but Iam often headbanging at concerts like at Evile for example :kickass: but I don't think it can really affect negatively to your health - It's just a little bit Pain and headache a day after the show that's all..
It's interesting I read a similar article bout that metal fans are more intelligent than others though they have no self-confidence - ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!

(though they could be right that Metalfans are more intelligent!?! :loco:)

If you get a headache then you are doing it too hard. Either that or its the hangover from all the drink haha.
Only part that annoyed me was...

“headbang to slower tempo songs by replacing heavy metal with adult oriented rock, only headbang to every second beat, or use personal protective equipment,” said Professor McIntosh.

Replace heavy metal with adult oriented rock... So Heavy Metal is for kids? Fuck off.
Agnus Young is still around ain't he?

I've actually headbanged so hard my nose started bleeding.
It was a near 180 degree headbang to Slayer, and the long, thick, heavy hair probably didn't help, nor that I put the same song on repeat.
The worst I've ever had from headbanging is somewhat of a bangover (as MW say :D) and maybe a stiff neck the following day, nothing else. If anything, pits are worse - I got hospitalised at Slayer and I've sustained some minor injuries in others. Headbanging is awesome, those media pussies are just scared because they listen to Rick Astley.