Headphone Impedance

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
I'm planning to buy some closed headphones for tracking (drums and vocals) and I'm pretty much set on which one to chose (Beyer DT100) but it comes in two different "flavors" : 16 ohm and 400 ohm.
What would be the difference in both besides the 16 ohm being obviously louder? Any difference in sound quality?
Also do you guys have any other headphones to recommend in the same price range (100-150€)? They must be closed, sound good and not cause too much ear fatigue, and be comfortable to wear for hours.
Think youve found the right earphones, either those or the DT150s. I would think that the 400 ohm ones would have a better tighter bottom end ( oo er )
I know this is the case with PA speakers so dont see why it would be any different with headphones.
i can recommend the AKG-271K.. haven't actually compared it with the beyer yet, but most of my friends choose it over the beyer!

good luck!