Hear new songs by MALICE and FIREWIND

The MALICE tune is solid, but Rivera has made yet another band sound like HELSTAR.
That's not exactly a BAD thing, but he already did that with SEVEN WITCHES.
the remainder of the 'new' Malice album contains remakes of the old classics (except No Haven for the Raven*) with of course James Rivera on vocals. It's not a bad album. But I was truly hoping for all original material with perhaps one or two classic remakes.

I received an advanced digital copy with SPV's and Jay Reynolds' blessing. I'm going to attempt to bring them to Atlanta this fall. So if anyone wants to see them here, please let me know.

*and just why the frak not is beyond me :(
I love Malice, and I love quite a bit of what James Rivera has done, but while not bad, this new tune sounds nothing like Malice. Rivera just makes them sound like any number of bands he has sung for in the past - might as well be Helstar.

Basically, this does not in any way make me think of Malice.
the remainder of the 'new' Malice album contains remakes of the old classics (except No Haven for the Raven*) with of course James Rivera on vocals.

Wow, really? I honestly did not know that.
I never looked at the track listing.
That's funny.

I have already predicted a MALICE performance at the next RAGNAROKKR. Guess time will tell.