Heard of Dead Silent Slumber?


New Metal Member
Sep 3, 2002
Jens Rydén from Naglfar started a small and short-lived life leading Dead Silent Slumber. They only have one Album out called Entombed In The Midnight Hour. Dead Silent Slumber are an eclectic blend of Gothic/Death Metal that culminates into a sinister sounding "Vampire" type Metal. I HIGHLY Recommend this album - but it is HARD AS HELL to find! Just thought you guys would be interested if you don't already know who these guys are. Hammerheart put out this record in 1999 and can be purchased at: Hammerheart Records (c)


Hope you enjoy the Album as much as I do :)

- SasQuatch
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
They're not that good. The album is just an average melodic black/death album. Naglfar are way better and there are surely better things in circulation than DSS.

I disagree...!
Dead Silent Slumber is the only one I can give 10 out of 10; that should speak for itself. The production together with the "feel" is so perfect.. "Blood Collapse" is one of my alltime favorite songs. That shit (the whole cd) is so melodic and yet so brutal and perfect... I really look forward to the next album...
It's not that hard to find, it's an OK album, I never really like drummachines...

If anyone's interested in obtaining the vinyl version of it, I have a few copies for sale (no second hand, brand new, directly from the label!), pretty cheap...