Heartcry - Lightmaker


OneMetal.com Music Editor
Heartcry - Lightmaker
Rivel Records - RRCD021 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


Christian hard rock group Heartcry date back to the late eighties, having their debut record issued in 1990. Therefore, they've got experience behind them, particularly when you consider that keyboard player Dan Tibell used to play with Jerusalem. So, what can you expect from Lightmaker?

Well, it's 70s and 80s themed hard rock with occasional bursts of classic metal velocity for the most part, complete with Deep Purple/Blackmore inspired guitar work, some very cool and nostalgia-building hammond organ melodies, and hints of Coverdale-era Whitesnake floating through the songs. Fourth track 'End Of Times' sounds like the kind of hard rock anthem that you could imagine your closet rocker dad singing heartily along to, while title track 'Lightmaker' bursts forth with a full-tilt intro before starting to sound like that mellow interlude from Whitesnake's 'Still Of The Night', before bursting back into the hell-for-leather chorus with some Gillan-on-PCP shouts coming at you.

This disparity of material is both a strength and a weakness for the band - while the diversity of material prevents the songs sounding too samey, I definitely prefer the slower, more melodic material on the album. Partially, this could be down to the odd production - while everything is pretty clear in the mix, the guitar tone is downright strange, sounding almost like a synth patch itself during the heavier/faster moments. Also, the singer isn't quite Coverdale or Gillan himself, his gruff voice sounding a bit strangled from time to time. Overall then, worth a listen if you're really hankering for something in this vein, but perhaps not an essential purchase.


Heartcry Official Website
Rivel Records Website