Heathen Crusade - a BIG thanks to Paul and ND

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
For those of you who don't know...

Novermbers Doom had to turn back to and go back home on Friday night, after Chicago got hit with snow. As of 2PM Saturday afternoon, neither the guys from The End Records nor the promoter knew whether Novermbers Doom were going to be able to make it the festival. Not only did they make it, but they slayed.

Arriving an hour before they had to go on stage, and without an opportunity to sound check, they walked on stage and just kicked our asses. As magnificent [FONT=&quot]a[/FONT]s Primordial, Moonsorrow and Thyrfing were, November's Doom were every bit their equal.

I also wanted to throw an extra special thanks out to Paul. He spent the better part of Saturday night/Sunday morning in the hotel room my buddy and I were splitting; hanging out and bullshitting with us, some friends and about a dozen or so other people. He's easily one of the most gracious and down to earth musicians I've had the pleasure of meeting. I wish him and Novembers Doom nothing but success.

Jasonic said:
Awesome. Were they originally scheduled to play on Friday?
Was the fest one day or two?
No, it was one day. However, all the bands arrove Friday night, because they needed to sound check early on Saturday.

Jasonic said:
ND Setlist?
Honestly, no clue. I'm so bad with song titles. All I can tell you is, they opened with the title track from the new disc. After that, it's all a headbanging blur.

Thanks Zod! It was very cool meeting you and hanging out with you guys at the room (I can't wait to see the pictures! haha.) Bible shredding, titty thumping, naked man ass in a kilt, and the exit que was the hotdog stunt filled with sexual harassment that made it a memorable night! haha. Hope the blood comes out of your shirt!

It was quite an adventure for us to get there, but we're so glad we did, and had a great time. It was worth every snowflake to be able to play the fest.

Our set list was...

The Pale Haunt Departure
Not the Strong
With Rue and Fire
Autumn Reflection
Lost in a Day
In the Absence of Grace
Dark World Burden
That was a shitty snowstorm. Glad you guys had a great time and made it back alive! :)

Btw, who was the brave soul who actually drove through the storm?
Great setlist. Very similar to what you guys had been playing this past year.

Can we expect ANY local gigs this year? I know you guys are in writing mode, but every now and then it would be nice to get out of the practice space and play infront of the ever-so-supporting Chicago metal crowd!!! :)
I'll echo what Zod said, especially in ref: to Paul. (Thanks Paul for letting us pick your brain for festival ideas etc).

I'm glad I also had a chance to chat briefly with Larry at the show. I was wiped out at the end, and I may have been in a slight drunken stupor, but I just wanted to repeat today what I said then, in all sober clarity....that Novembers Doom performance was one of the best I've ever seen (from any band) and I can't count how many shows I've been to.

The entire night was a huge success, and ND without doubt were one of the highlights.

Autumn Reflection LIVE was a complete religious experience, and I still stand by what I've always said -- you could play the last 2 minutes of that song for 10 minutes and I'd be hooked for every second.

So yeah, thanks for making the event that much more memorable.
JayKeeley said:
Autumn Reflection LIVE was a complete religious experience, and I still stand by what I've always said -- you could play the last 2 minutes of that song for 10 minutes and I'd be hooked for every second.

Agreed 100%. I even said this in the "Riffs" thread last week.
The opening riff of this track is completely mesmerizing.
The listener is completely hooked!
This would be my pick for the next video (Is that still going to happen?)
Should I rephrase the question and ask who it was that attempted to drive through the storm on Friday? My hat's off to the one who made that attempt. It really sucked on the roads that day. I know because I was caught out in it myself after visiting my sister in the SW 'burbs Friday afternoon. When I left there at 6:30 PM it was raining. By the time I was half way home it turned into a raging blizzard. It was the wet, heavy kind of snow that really sticks to the wiper blades and causes terrible visibility problems.

Sorry I didn't make it up for the show. I'd been undecided about going up until the very last minute. That storm kind of sealed its fate. I'm glad the all the heavy weather finally passed in time for the band to make it up there for the show. That band of storm clouds must have been something to see from up in the air. Hmm... wasn't BlackwaterNymph flying up right about that time on her way up? I wonder if she happened to see that cloud cover over northern IL/southern WI from the plane. From what I could see on the weather maps that evening MN didn't get the snow but the temps were running about 10 degrees cooler than here. I'm sure she probably needed that coat she snatched. ;-)

In closing, I'll echo Jasonic's thoughts about a local ND show somewhere around here soon. That would be really cool!
Thanks for the kind words everyone. It was a real pleasure to finally meet everyone like the Royal Carnage gang and so on. We had a really good time at the show, and it made the horrors of travelling all worth it. I'm just glad we arrived there in time to perform, we certainly cut it close.

It was our drummer Joe who did the driving. Driving was awful from the minute we left the house earlier that day, dealing with tons of traffic (where in the fuck was everyone going that day???) and the rain/sleet/snow. We trudged through it and got nearly to the Wisconsin border before it got to the point where we just couldn't go any further without seriously risking a big accident. Contrary to reports, we didn't have the luxury even of turning back home, we in fact had to pull off on some exit in the middle of nowhere and luckily found a motel we could crash in and wait out the storm. Finally the roads cleared up by early morning and we hightailed it to Minneapolis from there.

As for local gigs, y'know the honest truth is that we'd love to play out more but there's just not enough places to play to warrant it most of the time. Over the course of 16 years we've played more shitty local shows than we can count, and so now we're just a bit more discerning about when and where we play. It IS on the agenda that we're going to do more local peformances in the near future than we have done in the recent past, but we definitely have to continue to focus on songwriting as well. As soon as we have something lined up, as always, we'll post it here first.

As for an "Autumn Reflection" video, we'd love to do it. We even have a basic storyboard concept for what the video would look like. But stuff like this is basically something we have to finance ourselves because, well, I won't really get into it....so anyhow, it comes down to when we have the finances and resources available to us to get it done. It's still tentatively in the works, but time will tell. It's still something we'd like to have at least in time for inclusion on our DVD (which is definitely still in the works).
And sorry to those of you who'd hoped the rest of us might join the 3rd floor party on Saturday night, but after the debacle of the previous night and all the stress and rushing to get to the gig on time, the rest of us were just beat. Most of us were asleep by 11:30! Paul's a bit of an insomniac so he went and joined the party (for once) in our stead. I heard it was a riot.
I need to learn to get my ass to things like this, even with tuition and bills. At least everyone made it there and was able to play. Let's hope for the sake of people like myself that someone recorded this set.
Novembers Paul said:
With Rue and Fire

Without me and Jimmy?!?!?!?!?!

Fuck, my tickets are still on my refrigerator. Held up by a Bears magnet which is TWICE as depressing!!!!
I fractured my ankle on Thursday, and couldnt make it.
Im glad you guys kicked some ass!
I have several photos I'll be uploading later. Some of which probably shouldn't be posted. Like the ass and vomit photos.

And agreed - amazing show and it was great getting to hang with you again, Paul. Even if it involved hairy man ass and security guards on power trips.
Tom and Dan-- Yeah it seriously sucks that you guys couldn't make it. The show was a major success all the way around, and not to rub it in but I think we played quite possibly one of the best shows we've ever done. I think between our determination to rock the fuck out after all the shit we had to deal with getting there, and the fact that the crowd were great and responsive, we managed a killer set.

I believe the whole show was filmed professionally, I'm not sure. If so then I can't wait to check it out. We missed most of the earlier bands due to our late arrival but we caught the end of Typhus and Todesbonded who were cool. Of the headliners I was most impressed with Primordial, they were really good.

Hope your ankle heals quickly Dan. At least you didn't get caught in the snowstorm trying to get up there like we did!!
First time seeing Nov. Doom live. Cheers to all of them for the great show and for making it to MN braving the blizzard. Cheers to Paul for the great time and chat after the show.




MadeInNewJersey: You were wearing a kilt in below zero temperatures? Hmm...I wonder if that's where the phrase "blue balls" comes from. :p

Larry: Thanks for answering my question. Joe's tha man!

BlackwaterNymph: I'm looking forward to your fotos.

Belgar: Cool pix! Thanks for sharing.