Heathen starts recording!

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold

San Francisco Bay Area thrashers HEATHEN have issued the following brief update:

"Heathen is in the studio recording their new album. To be released end of 2008."

The band's new album is expected to be released through Mascot Records later this year.

As previously reported in a statement from the band, "Heathen is proud to announce the return of Darren Minter on drums!

Darren has been working hard with the band during the last few weeks doing pre-production for the upcoming Heathen album. The band hopes to finish recording in July for a release on Mascot Records later in the year.

The Thrash Assault 3 Festival on October 11th will be the next live appearance for the band. More tour plans will be announced in the coming weeks."
And you call yourself a fan of thrash..

I do.

I don't get that CD. I have listened many times and some of it is great, but more than half of it is boring. IIRC it is within songs that the bore occurs, so a song will have good parts, but will also contain enough suck to tip the balance towards "do not keep this CD". I only wish I had made my decision and sold it when it was more rare and hard to find.