Heaven and Hell August 28th

I don't have anything concrete for you, but I heard a friend mention that something was pushed back. Is their a Deluxe Box Set edition or something similar? Maybe it includes both cd and dvd?
I haven't heard anything about it being pushed back. I've got the audio from the DVD downloaded and it sounds great. Well mixed and the performances are as I remember seeing them live.

I'll definitely be picking up the DVD when it comes out in Canada. And since Canadian retailers suck, it'll probably be about 3-4 weeks before we get it. :cry:
The End Records and NEH Records have all items in stock...

Just passing on the word...

Rock on!
The End has it like for a week. I already ordered the 2-CD concert not interested in the DVD.
Passed on the cd set, with DVD's those things have become a thing of the past, plus bootlegs are cooler if you ask me...

I disagree I pass on the DVD. What's the point on sitting and watch a show on TV? Either you go to the show or you just concentrate on the music on your car, walkman, stereo, etc., I won't be limited by video to be able to listen to the music when and where I want. The few times I got DVDs is when they come as bonus of the CD on special editions.

NP: Acid - 'Maniac'
I disagree I pass on the DVD. What's the point on sitting and watch a show on TV? Either you go to the show or you just concentrate on the music on your car, walkman, stereo, etc., I won't be limited by video to be able to listen to the music when and where I want. The few times I got DVDs is when they come as bonus of the CD on special editions.

NP: Acid - 'Maniac'

Whatever, if I choose to listen to the audio I can always rip it from the DVD. I just like having the DVD personally. The point of sitting and watching it is just that sitting and watching the visuals and watching the extras that come with the DVD format.
Whatever, if I choose to listen to the audio I can always rip it from the DVD. I just like having the DVD personally. The point of sitting and watching it is just that sitting and watching the visuals and watching the extras that come with the DVD format.

Evidently I'm less visual than you are :saint:. And to me rip the adudio from the DVD is moe cumbersome, either I would have to connect my DVD to my sound system, or rip the sound channel from the DVD and then burn a CD so then I can record my tapes.
I buy yhe CD annd record the tape straight form the source, good enough for me:headbang:
My copy arrived today. Can anybody tell me why is Vinnie Appice left out of the booklet in the pic and commentary?