Heaven & Hell - THIS Sat night....

I'm sooo there!!:headbang:
So me plus hubby makes two more!!
And of course we know that Rob and John got FIRST row....so they will definitley be there *grumbles under her breath....lucky bastages* hehehehe...
I have only taken quick peaks at the posted setlists so far.
So I have SOME idea of what is going to be played, but not the whole thing.

Supposedly Megadeth has been playing really well too.

I haven't seen them since Dave Jr left.

Also, 2/5 of the original Vio-Lence line-up is now in Machine Head.
You think if I yell loud enough they will play "Eternal Nightmare"????
Oh, how I wish I didn't have finals coming up and projects to do. :( :( :( :(

Young man, young man.....
Take it from me.
You will look back at your college years and realize,
"DAMN!!!! Why did I try SO hard?"
Once you get a job, NO ONE will give a rat's ass about what your GPA was.
You will most likely land your first gig based on knowing someone and not from your scholastic endeavors anyhow.

I saw, blow off studying for one night, and go to the show!
It's not like not studying for one night is going to have a major impact on your final.
Yeah, not studying for one night would be fine, but it's the driving all day to get there, the driving all night back, and the sleeping all of the next day that would kill it.

Indeed. Or getting the hotel room. Having to drive 5 or so hours both ways would own our face. :erk:

Trust me, there's no place I rather be than at that show. :headbang:
I'll be there with the g/f. I'm somewhere in the first level of seats. Close enough to my buddy's beer stand. Enjoy paying outrageous prices for drinks everyone - I'll get mine for free. :headbang:

I've been looking forward to this show since I got the tickets back in March.
Speaking of "chops", how is the guitar playing coming along, now that you are the owner of an axe???

Aye, the roomie has been hogging my amp as of late. This I will never understand since he's got a bigger and better one than I do! That and I need to take the axe in for some adjustments. A few of the strings are buzzing. I could play my old Warlock, but the Washburn is so much more fun to play. :)