HEAVENLY: some news !!!


The Defender
Sep 11, 2002
Arles , France
Hail dudes !

It mades a long time that I haven't post here ! Sorry for that but at this point of time I'm so busy because Heavenly is recording its brand new killing album which is announced for the end of this year.

I'm preparing the promotionnal plans for the release of the album (untitled yet). I can tell you that it will be better than the three other albums.

The official fan club of the band got a new website too, a new forum etc.... there is aslo more infos. Check this link www.heavenly-fanclub.info

More news will be posted asap. :p

Best regards!!!

@Steve W: hope everything is great for you!! :cool:

Hail to every forumer !:rock:

See you soon

Hail guys!

I have a little time to come here and i do it ! he he

So, the promo plans sounds great.
The recording sessions are nice too. All the instruments are recorded and Ben is recording the voice lines and the choirs.

With the fanclub I'm also working on a new member kit: more interesting I think :D

An exclusive poster will be included on the kit hey hey! :rock:

So, if you want other infos go to the FC website.

See ya

Hey, Lionel! Nice to see that you're here to spread the Heavenly word! :)

And if the forthcoming album is better than any of the previous, it really has to be stunning! :kickass:

Keep the news coming, dude!
Hey hey, dudes !

I'm glad to see you're waiting some Heavenly' news !

At this point of time, there a news from the fan club:
a poster is now available ....

check the info on the fanclub website.

@SteveW: I've finally bought the Magic Never Dies japanese edtion and wow, the bonus track is incredible. I like it !!!! In France it's impossbile to find it, I've ordered it on the web. Is it me on your thanks zone when you're speaking of Lionel? If so, I'm sooooo glaaad !!!!!
hey hey !

I've got some crazy news for you guys!

The english version of the fan club is now online. You'll have a lot of informations about the band and the fan club activities.

An other good new is that now we got an onlineshop and you can pay via pay pal !

Hope to see you on the Heavenly fanclub forum soon dude! Join the troops !

Best regards