

Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Apart from the fact that they seem determined to copy Helloween and all their clones, what does everyone think of Heavenly?

I find it to be faily agreeable power metal, although I have to admit the Helloween-isms do grate a bit (I've never been a big weenie fan), and the voxman's attempts to out-Kiske the man himself are a sound to behold! :lol:

Still, very enjoyable all the same IMO :)
i don't know what they are like. i was going to see them together with Nostradameus, Lullacry and Edguy, but unfortunately Heavenly's singer got ill so they couldn't play! what i heard is that they played good shows on the tour, so if i had seen them i could tell you now what i think about them ;)
I've only heard one song it was called The WOrld Will be Better a cheesy beginning, realy cheesy, but apart from that great song!