Heavy Metal Band Swap/Replace

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Itt, we basically say something along the lines of:

I would want to replace Dave Mustaine with 'X' vocalist or I would like to swap 'X' and 'Y' in 'Z' band

I would replace Kirk Hammett with Dave Mustaine (har)
I would swap out some of the goofy ass shit a lot of folk metal does for a more serious/thoughtful black metal vibe, while keeping the folk melodies. The combination exists, but not nearly enough. (Dordeduh, Wardruna, Fyrnask, Agalloch, Wodensthrone, etc.) but I'm such a fanboy of the combination I can't get enough. More!
Ohhhh. You had me confused because you worded your sentence oddly. I thought you were saying you would prefer having Maniac in the band.