Heavy metal fans more exposed to mental illness, study finds

No more can they keep us in!
Listen, damn it, we will win!
They see it right, they see it well,
But they think this saves us from our Hell..!

This post now concludeth!
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Knowing Australians, they are probably 15-20 years behind ;) . That means their kids are listening to Grunge, :Puke: which is like musical Ritalin. :dopey:

Also, the Herald Sun, being the bastion of journalistic integrity, :lol: probably failed to disclose all the findings. That's how rumours start. :blush:

Herald Sun
Stories Start Here. :Smug:

'Nuff Zed.:muahaha:
It's true, people who listen to music have a bigger chance of getting depressed than people who don't listen to music so often and with heavy metal being a darker genre, a more heavy and may I say a little bit more anti-social because there are not so many heavy metal fans out there ( I may be wrong but in real life I haven't encountered so many HM fans) and with the new wave of metal where lyrics are mostly about emotional pain and etc...

but anyways I'd love to see a parent tell a teenager you can't listen to your favorite band or style music... heavy metal is all about rebellion that'll just ignite the fire even more..
Let me give a list of this that aren't scientifically justified in that research:

If you publicate a research, give numbers. This article is very vague
We don't know how many people where interviewed and when

No global research, porbabely regional. But regional difference are always present. It may be possible that young headbangers at a certain region are more prone to despression than somewhere else.

Oh, the research was held only among teenagers..... Soooo what with people that are older and listen to metal? Are they still easily depressed or suicidal? This research generalises whi h is very unprofessional.

@ the researchers of this: go back to school, read the basics of scientific research again and think twice before publicing anything
How Does Heavy Metal Affect Animals?
A student named David Merrill subjected mice to the music of Anthrax for 24 hours a day to discover how it would affect their ability to solve mazes, but instead of completing Merrill’s maze, the heavy metal mice all killed one another, battling it out until just one remained alive. In a subsequent experiment during which the music volume was lower and the mice were separated from one another, the heavy metal mice soon grew worse at solving the maze than they had been when they had first encountered it, and they fought one another when Merrill tried to put them together (Wertz, 7 February 1998). Although the result is interesting, research indicates that reactions to music are shaped by whether or not it is the genre of choice, and it's highly unlikely that mice (if capable of preferring any sort of music at all) would have chosen Anthrax.
Well scientist put a lot of saccharine into mice for years and since the some of the animals developed tumors it was concluded that saccharine may be a carcinogen.

I guess then people who ingest saccharine and listen to Anthrax are most probably to be violent killers with cancer.

Are you a man or a mouse?
The article was written in quite a bad way I find. Not much depth to it at all. I can however see the result of the research being true. I dont believe metal music creates mental illness but perhaps that people who have it are drawn to this music. It is extreme, it is often dark, it does not shy away from the topic etc.

I wouldnt be surprised if people who listen to emo music are also more exposed to mental illness. Not because the music creates the illness but because people who are mentally ill seek out this kind of music.
I wonder how the teens studied would test out in another decade. I would love to see a study checking the same of older metal fans and controlling for individual differences in creativity and directness of personality (forgive me if I use the wrong terminology, stats & sociology were long ago for me).