Heavy Metal in Baghdad


New Metal Member
Dec 23, 2007

You think YOU guys have problems because you can't open up for Symphony X or your local store doesn't carry true metal? Then read the story of THESE guys.

It's just too bad that the metal community doesn't care about 4 metalheads awaiting sure death in the middle east because of their choice of music. I emptied my bank account for these guys and will continue to do so.

Shame on each and every one of you that supported this ill-fated war in the beginning (and you know who you are).


You think YOU guys have problems because you can't open up for Symphony X or your local store doesn't carry true metal? Then read the story of THESE guys.

It's just too bad that the metal community doesn't care about 4 metalheads awaiting sure death in the middle east because of their choice of music. I emptied my bank account for these guys and will continue to do so.

Shame on each and every one of you that supported this ill-fated war in the beginning (and you know who you are).


Begone, O foul troll! :rolleyes:
O yeah they surely had much more acceptance of playing metal while Saddam was in power!
O yeah they surely had much more acceptance of playing metal while Saddam was in power!

Actually, they did. The Sunni, Shiite and Kurds had their own factions, and while they did have occasional car bombs and infighting, it's nothing compared to your fucking practice pad being leveled by a missle. Or facing certain death due to your preference of music. You think Hussein would have let crazy ass radicals get ahold of scud missles and fire it in his own country? What grade level did you achieve again? Of course you're going to try and convince me Iraq is safe now, and it was a maelstrom under Saddam. *yawn*... please go hang with your buddy, Rumsfeld.

It's very sad when the majority of the "metal" scene votes "R" for Retarded every 4 years (Remember Rock Against Reagan, kiddies?) but even more abyssmal when they don't give two shits that 4four innocent guys are going to die just for liking heavy metal.

oh, btw, the troll says he won't go away without a federal court order. :)
Overly biased political crap needs to be moved to the Lounge. Or buried altogether.

BTW, a federal court order isn't required to banish a political troll....just a few keystrokes from Glenn or Deron. :)

And besides, I'm a little more worked up about the West Memphis 3.
And, if you really want to cry for Acrassicauda (sic), why not then cry for Iran's Kahtmayan, which has a deal from Roadrunner waiting for them if they get out of Iran, or Amertad(Iran) which has a female lead singer, but is banned from performing live?
Seriously? They're fucking in TURKEY. How is this about Iraq? Secondly, where in any of this does it say they're "awaiting sure death" because of their musical choice?

Jesus cow milking Christ.

Um. They're in Turkey and about to be deported back to Iraq, to be killed by insurgents who think their music is "satan worship". If you'd read their blog, you'd see their survival chance is "Zero%" (direct quote)... but of course, you know much more about their situation being 4000 miles west of them. Hey man, if it's not your problem.. it's not *A* problem.

This is not a political thread. This is about 4 guys awaiting death for playing heavy metal. At least the WM3 are still alive and have a roof over their heads that won't be under insurgent or US troop attack. WM3 is a travesty, but this is an outrage.

And ps, null-routing works great. Proxify works better. Chill out.
Seriously? They're fucking in TURKEY. How is this about Iraq? Secondly, where in any of this does it say they're "awaiting sure death" because of their musical choice?

Jesus cow milking Christ.

Um. They're in Turkey and about to be deported back to Iraq, to be killed by insurgents who think their music is "satan worship". If you'd read their blog, you'd see their survival chance is "Zero%" (direct quote)... but of course, you know much more about their situation being 4000 miles west of them. Hey man, if it's not your problem.. it's not *A* problem. Try READING the page, there are things called "links" on them you can click and read. But maybe I'm assuming too much?

This is not a political thread. This is about 4 guys awaiting death for playing heavy metal. At least the WM3 are still alive and have a roof over their heads that won't be under insurgent or US troop attack. WM3 is a travesty, but this is an outrage.

And ps, null-routing works great. Proxify works better. Chill out.
I learned about this through my bud in Warrior Soul, one of the defining rock/sociopolitical metal bands in the early 90's, they're throwing their support behind this, so anyone care to flame THEM for being behind this? Or just me for posting it in a forum so people could check it out for themselves?

I learned about this through my bud in Warrior Soul, one of the defining rock/sociopolitical metal bands in the early 90's, they're throwing their support behind this, so anyone care to flame THEM for being behind this? Or just me for posting it in a forum so people could check it out for themselves?


Oh, it's not the posting that I had an issue with; it was your arrogant attitude and blatant politicizing. But since you "personify" arrogance, I guess that's your chosen method. Well-done, medium-rare!
Oh, it's not the posting that I had an issue with; it was your arrogant attitude and blatant politicizing. But since you "personify" arrogance, I guess that's your chosen method. Well-done, medium-rare!

right on. his, as you best said: arrogant attitude and blatant politicizing- does not help his cause at all.
infact it caused me to completely skip over the link and what is probably his main focus point- straight to the all of sudden war-bashing comments and saying "if its not our problem, its not A problem".

Shame on you for attacking people's politics on a metal festival forum. GTFO!
no kidding...

oh and by the way dude, re-read the blog. i think u misunderstood. they are not talking about their lives. they are talking about the bandssurvival; as in staying together and playing music. it really doesn't seem to me that they are going to be "put to death" because they listen to metal unless i enduring a huge lapse of reading comprehension here.

Here is the Full quote. "as many of you heard that we are not able to perform or to play our music any more as a band all together for a lot of reasons. Plus there is no way to make living so after all there is no chance other than going back to Iraq where the chances of staying alive there are zero%.

So the last thing that hits our mind is to seek your help to get us out of here where we going to be able to live the dream of our life and being out there on stage with you where ever you are. "

and if i'm right about this, you saying:
ArrogancePersonified said:
WM3 is a travesty, but this is an outrage.
isnt exactly right considering the WM3 have already been robbed of a third of their natural lives, where they don't even have the chance to pursue such dreams of even practicing with a band...
According to their blog, they were in Turkey in Oct and only had a 1 Month visa, so my question is, Where are they now as it is Dec?

And i also agree with Yippee and all the other politics should be left out of this discussion and sent to the Lounge.
oh and by the way dude, re-read the blog. i think u misunderstood. they are not talking about their lives. they are talking about the bandssurvival; as in staying together and playing music. it really doesn't seem to me that they are going to be "put to death" because they listen to metal unless i enduring a huge lapse of reading comprehension here.

I rotfl'd