Heavy Metal Music & Lab Mice LMFAO!

Do You Think Teens Use Lyrics To Help Them Commit Suicide

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Cessation Of Life
Mar 28, 2002
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, they conducted a study which found that teens on average listen to 40 hours of music per week(Palumbo). That is 7 and one half hours more than an average school week. It sounds like teens are getting more from music than they are from their teachers they see 5 out of 7 days per week. This music can affect their school life and affect the way they think and act while in and around school. Heavy metal can lead to violence and suicide in teens from listening to the music they do. One study done by David Merrell from Suffolk,Virginia, somewhat proves heavy metal is bad for teens. However, his study was done on 72 male laboratory mice. He used 3 groups of 24 mice, a control group with no music, a heavy metal group that listened to Anthrax, and a classical group that listened to Mozart. Each group had 12 hours of light each day while they were running the maze with no music and each group had an average time of 10 minutes(Eaton). But after listening to their group's music for 10 hours each day and running the maze 3 times per week, each group came up with a different average after one month of the maze. The control group ran the maze in 5 minutes.The Mozart group ran the maze in 1 minute and 30 seconds and the Anthrax group ran the maze at an average of 30 minutes(Eaton). Then, at the end of David's experiment, the Anthrax group all killed each other. If heavy metal can have this effect on mice just think of what this music might do to a teenager in todays world with all the violence in the school and normal community that they see every day. One thing that might point out the effects of this type of music may be the teen's grades dropping and the teen not caring at all about it, or maybe theygo to school and all they do is skip class. The violence they may take forth could be very dangerous and harmful not toward others but also toward themselves. Not only something like physical damage toward them but also mental damage that may never heal. This damage is a possible reason to retaliate against others not just in the community but also in the school, like Kip Kinkle in Oregon or the teens in the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado or possibly toward their immediate family they live with or their further relatives. You could relate this to the mouse experiment that David Merrell did as all of the heavy metal mice killed each other which portrays the outward violence toward others in school and in the community(Eaton).

My take? This is a bunch of Crap and some pretty hilarious reading. I know it's internet stuff, but you get the drift. Teenagers are old enough to know the difference between what is right and what is wrong. I strongly believe that it is unfair to artists to have to succomb to frivolous lawsuits. I'm curious to know what you guys think about this.......
Fucking ludicrous. As a more-or-less well-adjusted teen who listens to heavy metal, it's clear that anyone who commits suicide after listening to metal is a fucked up individual in the first place. Why would they commit suicide when there's so much good music out there? The public searches for a scapegoat as usual.
Some people have toooooooooooooooo much time on their hands. Why oh why do people insist that Metal music is evil and has powers over todays youth...gimme a friggin break!! I survived...yea I skipped class..but it had nothing to do with the music I listened to..I think it was more like the joint I was puffin on!!:hotjump:
That kind of study or comment pisses me off... I'm a heavy metal fan since I'm five and it's the sole reason why I never took any drugs... Songs like Second To None or Master of Puppets convinced me to do so! I owe a lot to Heavy Metal and when I see people trying to bring it down I get so pissed!

Damn I had an average of 86 in school because Heavy Music kept me focused...

Ah... fuck this asshole...
people only blame suicide on the music because of some bands lyrics. IF someone were to kill themselve because of what they've heard the deserve to die anyways