Heavy Metal Parking Lot

Heavy Metal Parking Lot is hilarious, and I doubt it can be found anywhere in georgia because this state sucks for things like that. Ordering from weird independent video stores online is the only thing to do. I recommend to you a certain Google.
Hey all......HMP is in the works for a dvd release. According to our corporate buyer (I work for a large chain of bookstores...ok, its Borders!) they are basically fighting with the producers of the film over the mighty dollar, etc. Hopefully, they'll resolve their issues quick and put it out!! BTW, talks are in the works for a dvd release of The Decline of Western Civilization.......their are a TON of rights to work out on that film since there were so many damn people in it!!
HMP just made the Boing Boing site:
"Heavy Metal Parking Lot, a mid-'80s film documenting lifeforms that once orbited around Judas Priest concerts, has been circulating on shitty-quality VHS bootlegs for years. I just watched it for the first time last night -- and it blowed mah mahnd. BB friends Coop + Ruth turned us on to it, and the film recently became available on DVD (along with Neil Diamond Parking Lot, and lots of other good stuff). Zebraman FTW!

Amazon Link for DVD purchase. ( http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.h...ing06-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 )

Update: Oh dear god there are ringtones. ( http://www.hmplmobile.com/ ) "

It's worth picking up the DVD for all the bonuses, especially the Heavy Metal Parking Lot Alumni section; also, the Heavy Metal Basement section with the most incredible Judas Priest collection is really insane...

Also, the closest thing to a PP Parking Lot-- the drive-by grind:
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I have the directors other short films.....not really as good as HMPL. It tries way to hard to get that feel for it. Something like HMPL can never be redone or tried over again. Just wouldnt work.
I have it on VHS - I'll stay tuned for the DVD.

My wife lived in suburban Maryland at that time and she knew a few of the people in it. It occured right around school graduations, so lots of kids had taken off to the beach (Ocean City, MD), otherwise she might have been there, despite the fact she wasn't much of a Priest fan.
Nick has a copy of the DVD. We do know a few of the folks that are in the original documentary (or we know folks who know them). While I wasn't there to see that particular Priest show, watching the DVD and it's extra footage was sentimental since the Caps Center is no longer in existence and that's where I saw my first live concert when I was 8 (Springsteen in '92).

I agree that the alumni section is also pretty cool. It's also interesting to see some of the "characters" years after the original documentary was filmed and to see how they react to metal music. Jaxx Nightclub gets a cameo during this portion of the special features.

There's also special features that include the other documentaries that these guys did (Neil Diamond Parking Lot and Monster Truck Parking Lot - both are decently funny IMO) and there's a segment called "Heavy Metal Basement." The guy's basement was pretty metal as far as a vinyl collection goes, but I still think mine and Nick's basement is more metal. (When a get home I'll try to post some pictures. You can decide.)

The DVD is certainly worth picking up if you can find it anywhere. The music and media stores around here usually stock it, but I guess that's probably because it's more of a cult classic around Maryland where the filming took place.
So I looked up this Heavy Metal Parking lot thing on youtube, and I couldn't help but laugh at this line:

Interviewer: "What would you say if you saw Rob Halford right now?"
Drunk/Stoned Chick: "I'd jump his bones".

I wonder if that answer has changed at all. :lol:
So I looked up this Heavy Metal Parking lot thing on youtube, and I couldn't help but laugh at this line:

Interviewer: "What would you say if you saw Rob Halford right now?"
Drunk/Stoned Chick: "I'd jump his bones".

I wonder if that answer has changed at all. :lol:
Yeah, but did you also notice the one guy who's kind of caught on to Halford?

"I don't know about that Rob Halford guy..." :lol:
Its available on Amazon:


i didn't read all the posts so i don't know if you found one already, but i have a used copy in my hand at my store right now. $5. want me to mail it to you?
