Heavy Pop-punk, Tele, Mesa, Ampeg.


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
Hey dudes, used to post on here all the time, but haven't in a long while. Just wrote this with a friend of mine just for fun and thought I'd see if I can get some opinions on both the song structure/mix/tones whatever else you'd like to critique.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2069725/Pop Spunk.mp3

Guitars are a Tele that I put together with Bareknuckles into a Dual Rec, through a v30 cab with an sm57.

Bass - Shecter bass into an Ampeg SVT, can't remember what cab I used, but into a D112. There's also some Sansamp, and some DI, and some direct Big Muff, and about 3 other random layers of grit and bullshit.

Drums are a load of my own samples, with Addictive Drums cymbals. Live ones will go down once we've found a drummer. :p Same applies to vocals.

Let me know what you think!

Thanks in advance.

Good Song. My only problem (I'm listening on headphones, though) is the guitar tones for any of the non-staccato parts seem too bright. A vox track might have a hard time competing with this mix
Good Song. My only problem (I'm listening on headphones, though) is the guitar tones for any of the non-staccato parts seem too bright. A vox track might have a hard time competing with this mix

Yeah man, I getchya. :) I guess I'm trying to go too far towards the whole twangy tele sound haha. Probably give it another re-amp and maybe back the gain off a bit as well as the presence :)

Thanks for listening and taking the time to reply dude!