Heavy rock-ish tune. Help with guitars.


Apr 25, 2007
Hey all!

I'm working on the mix for a song I've written, and am sort of hitting a wall with the guitars.
My set-up is kind of limited to a Line 6 HD300, at the moment, which, I know is not the optimal way to go for guitar recording.

But if there's anyone who have some tips on how to get them to sound a little less muddy and uggly, it would be appreciated!

I'm using:
Cubase 4.5
Superior 2.0 - Metal Forge

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The intro guitars sound good. Sounds like there is a high pass there but it works. I would add maybe 1-2 dB of 150-200hz to the guitars and and more mids to the bass track. That will help them blend a bit more. Right now the bass seems to only hold up the sub range and the clackety sound of the strings.

Thats being really nitpicky, the track still sounds great!
Thanks for the feedback!
I will definitely give it a try. My biggest problem with the bass (aside from me mixing mixing with headphones) is that my bass i a cheap piece of crap that sounds horrible! So I try to hide it as much as possible, hehe :p Maybe mix in a midrange sampled bass?
A popular option is to copy your bass track onto another track and give that a Mids only EQ with the highs and mids cut dramatically. Then mix that track in to taste.
Yeah, on the track now, I have copied the bass track to a new one, and am running it through an ampsim with a lot of distortion, and mixing it in with the low end.

I'm thinking of maybe dual tracking the Bass with two different set-ups, one for the low end sound and one with only mids/high-mids. Never tried that before :p