Heck Yes!!!


Mar 6, 2007
Green Jelly Reunion :kickass: I realize I'm a bit late, or a lot.

On February 19, 2008, music news website Blabbermouth.net announced that Green Jellÿ was reuniting and that a possible U.S. tour was in the works. Tourdates are listed at their MySpace page. The band also re-released the Cereal Killer and 333 video/albums on DVD, which are only sold at their concerts. [8]

In late August, the band announced via their Myspace page that they would again be going on tour in the Fall. Several new songs are available via their Myspace page, as well as information on a new Green Jello DVD and CD.

The latest incarnation of the band has been widely hailed as a talented group of the next generation's best metal musicians and includes the talented guitarist Dread, formerly the drummer of Green Jellÿ who switched back to his natural position. Dread and fellow Green Jellÿ member Sikko are also members of the locally successful Los Angeles bands Mandown and Pottymouth.

This band was monumental during my early self discovery years. Legendary.
It is my belief that anyone who claims not to like the 3 little pigs song is a blatant liar.

I wish I knew what happened to my cereal killer soundtrack and 333 albums.

Sneap forum Green Jelly cover, anyone?