Hell fuckin' yeah!!


God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
Everyone except Berzerker rocked "tha hizouse" last night. It seemed to me that they did a lot more standing around waiting for samples to play than playing their instruments. Definately better on CD.

I also got Gene Hoglan to sign my Tour EP. I asked if he was signing autographs and the one of the roadies next to him snobbishly said "He's not here to sign autographs, he's here to sell merchandise."

Yes, this jerk-wad had the balls to say that to me when I have the Tour EP in hand, and a SYL t-shirt slung over my shoulder. Some people, I tell ya.....
Originally posted by Edgecrusher
Everyone except Berzerker rocked "tha hizouse" last night. It seemed to me that they did a lot more standing around waiting for samples to play than playing their instruments. Definately better on CD.

I also got Gene Hoglan to sign my Tour EP. I asked if he was signing autographs and the one of the roadies next to him snobbishly said "He's not here to sign autographs, he's here to sell merchandise."

Yes, this jerk-wad had the balls to say that to me when I have the Tour EP in hand, and a SYL t-shirt slung over my shoulder. Some people, I tell ya.....

That's great!
The waterboy said what?!?!?!?!?!?!!:lol: