Hell Mike Motorbike on the loose

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet (www.dagbladet.no) arranged a netmeeting with Enslaved today. A netmeeting is basically an online interview, only that the fans send in questions instead of having an interviewer asking the questions.

As I was reading through the netmeeting, I saw a question called "THRASHING DEVASTRUKTION":


Jeg lurer på hvis dere er thrash metal terrorists når dere ikke dreper kristne for Odin?

hmm. Grubler, den der.


:lol: Indeed, it was good ol' Mike, aka fotmbm, asking a question in rather dodgy Norwegian. Translation: "I'm wondering if you're thrash metal terrorists when you don't kill Christians for Odin?" Enslaved's answer "Hmmm, a tricky one, that."

Another question from good ol' Mike:

Thrash metal terror

Liker dere THRASH? (Translation: Do you like thrash?)
Innsendt av: Mike

yes, absolutely


But the best thing was that they confirmed that a DVD from this year's Inferno Festival in Oslo (featuring Zyklon, Enslaved, Aeternus, Sinners Bleed, Ásmegin, Mayhem, Myrkskog, Defiled, Sadus, Testament, etc etc.) is soon to be released, and that a HEIDRA VALFAR DVD (from Windir's last gig) is in the works. :kickass:
I really could do that if you throw me a good band. I promise only to ask about stuff I care about and not wether they feel this new album of theirs was another step towards the unfification eith the ethereal cosmic being or anything like that.
fotmbm said:
I really could do that if you throw me a good band. I promise only to ask about stuff I care about and not wether they feel this new album of theirs was another step towards the unfification eith the ethereal cosmic being or anything like that.
Get yourself a telephone voice recorder, and I'll send some bands your way. You can be our roving reporter. You obviously more than qualify. :tickled:

Shit, this reminds me, we need to publish the new Mithras interview...it's a good 'un!!!
speed said:
Christ, maybe you do have a sense of humor fotmbm.
Search the drunk thread for many of his action packed adventures, Certifiable Comedy Gold.
Holy crap I forgot all about the snus thread. Best thread and first post evAr in that one:

Topic: Snus.
1st post: Try it.
