Hellhounds On My Trail, overrated? Your opinion

Do you think Hellhounds On My Trail is overrated?

  • Yes, I like the song but it isn't opening material and doesn't represent Bodom as well IYF or ADK

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • No, it is a great example of Bodom and I love to headbang to it as an opener

    Votes: 29 82.9%

  • Total voters


Jun 5, 2009
I hate the song. I mean, I like all Bodom but it really isn't that good. They play it live, sometimes even replacing Sixpounder and using it as the opener. Thats pushing it, they've crossed the line there.

Alexi even said (when asked what Children Of Bodom song would you reccommend people to check out who have never heard you guys?) that Hellhounds on my trail was a great example of Bodom.... thats bullshit.
If I heard Hellhounds first, I wouldn't listen to Bodom. It just isn't enough to drag me in. AYDY did it for me and In Your Face, Punch Me I Bleed, Sixpounder, Bed Of Razors were the ones that I downloaded (before I bought the 6 albums and the live dvd) that confirmed I was a Bodom fan.

To sum up the thread, Hellhounds is over rated in my opinion.

What do you think?
What do you think?

"Hellhounds.." is probably one of my very favourite Children Of Bodom tracks. I think that especially the studio version of the album represents really well what COB are all about these days (even despite the fact that there (unfortunately) isn't a very flashy guitar solo spot, but something that 'merely' serves the song).

I think Hellhounds is one of the best arrangements the band has ever put together; the song flows from one part to another seamlessly and builds up its momentum until it explodes to the fantastic chorus. There's that magical groove in this song that only few bands can come even close to and that gives me the cold chills every time.

However, in a live setting I feel that the song is not at its strongest due to the fact that it is very much vocal driven and unfortunately Alexi's live vocals are quite, well, random, these days. While I couldn't care less about the lyrical content of the songs, to me the rhythm of the vocals and simply the fact that the screams are there and that they aren't cut short is just as important as the fact that all the other instruments are playing what they should be playing.

And yes, I'm well aware of the difference between improvisation and 'singing just a little this and that'. In fact I think it sounds fantastic when Alexi sometimes extends some of the screams and adds a long scream out of the blue right at the end of the first chorus, but on the worse days he's cutting some screams short and struggling a little in general (although it feels ridiculous to blame him because singing and playing the verses simultaneously even faster than on the album is hardly a walk in the park to say the least, but what bothers me is that I'm sure he could get the vocal lines right if he just paid more attention to them).

Also, HOMT has so much vocals (like almost all songs on BD) that he has almost no time to move around the stage, and these days Alexi doesnt always take advantage of that 5 seconds he has every now and then in the song, either.

Whoops, that turned out to be a long rant! In short, superb song on the CD and a good live song that's suffering a little from the same stuff COB (Alexi) has room to improve in their live performances (of the newer songs in particular) in general, too.
AYDY did it for me

You find Hellhounds doesn't represent Bodom and yet you say AYDY does? AYDY is much much less representative Bodom's sound than Hellhounds is, and also it's probably the second worst song they've ever recorded.

Don't wanna sound like a dick, but picking AYDY pretty much makes your opinion invalid.
I think Hellhounds does represent Bodom pretty good. Strong start, maybe not as much keys as some may like but a fair amount of them and really adding to the song, a cool interlude before jumping into the solo section... perhaps the guitar solo could have been longer or whatever, but still is nice. Not overrated at all.

Agreed with Lari 100%.
There are things you could find in the horror movies, especially the opening, the keyboards in the chorus they really give you the feeling your ass is being hunted by multiple-headed dogs somewhere in the wilderness. That way it's a genious metal song. Everything up to the ending riff is stand-out. I think a big minus is they cut the solos short and go into this silly heavy part with vocals that is followed by Hate Me'ish keyboards before they start the chorus again; they should've used that part for more soloing.

On live performances however the song suffers from the lack of attention to the vocals. I know it's very challenging to get it right while playing, but nevertheless, I think that's the reason why they don't play One Day You Will Cry anymore; it turned into a complete fiasco because of the vocals. Plus the song represents the new style so I can't say it's my perfect COB song, but I'd say it just qualifies for a COB starter. I guess it makes the entire album feel like metal when the starter isn't extremely catchy on the first listening and all. It's not my favourite starter however.
I think it rocks as starter, both for gigs and album, but they should indeed try to focus a bit more on the vocals, maybe have Henkka helping out Alexi a bit more, but it definitely needs the vocals right to show all it's potential.
It took me a while to get used to it but nowdays I consider it one of my favorite tracks off Blooddrunk, along with BFH and One day. Why the hell would it be overrated? It's a kickass opener track although it's pretty demanding to pull it off perfectly on a live show. Especially the vocals.
Banned From Heaven and One Day You Will Cry are the only two songs that I listen to off of that album anymore. Hellhounds opens "fast" then just kinda bores me. I would much rather have Sixpounder or FTR. Just an opinion. :)
See this is what I love, the opinion of other Bodom fans. Thanks to you all for giving your comment, really cool and its what I wanted to hear.

By overrated I meant it isn't the best song on Blooddrunk (in my opinion thats what it's made out to be). Blooddrunk, Banned From Heaven and all are better imo. The reason I think AYDY is a good COB song is because of the opening riff and the solo aswell as the melody riff and chorus. The verse is too plain and vocals are average (except for the chorus). Lari made the best point aswell.

EddyRX10, was that directed to me? if so: I didn't know there was a Hellhounds thread with a poll on it, and even if I did "ressurect" it (a thread about the new album sounds like it isn't very dead) I would get shit for it anyways
If I introduced COB to a friend I wouldn't choose Hellhounds to do so..but I wouldn't take IYF or ADK neither. It has to be a song that really kicks ass, like Kissing the shadows or Towards dead end..Follow the reaper would do it, too.
there are many great songs (there are maybe just like 5 that I would consider as bad songs) and sometimes i wonder what they play live..for example saw them last year on a tour with Slipknot and Machine Head, they just had like half an hour and six songs so I thought they will play the fast and hard stuff..but they played..I dunno anymore, ADK and BFH..blooddrunk maybe (anyway..great songs) but I was like wtf? Cmon..fifth song was SNBN and the last one was downfall..the last songs really rocked and even the frigging ignorant slipknot crowd was begging some action but then it was already over ;) See, everyone likes different songs..so it's hard for them to choose the right setlist..when I saw them two months or so ago the setlist was just NICE, they even played KTS and bed of razors..I was totally satisfied : D
btt: from "blooddrunk" i like TMR and blooddrunk way more than hellhounds..but hellhounds is still better than Lobodomy..I really cannot get into that song..which is weird because I usually tend to like the songs with "..Bodom" in it..they are nice..from BBQ to silent night and son on..too bad that this one sucks (for me ;) )
If I introduced COB to a friend I wouldn't choose Hellhounds to do so..but I wouldn't take IYF or ADK neither. It has to be a song that really kicks ass, like Kissing the shadows or Towards dead end..Follow the reaper would do it, too.
there are many great songs (there are maybe just like 5 that I would consider as bad songs) and sometimes i wonder what they play live..for example saw them last year on a tour with Slipknot and Machine Head, they just had like half an hour and six songs so I thought they will play the fast and hard stuff..but they played..I dunno anymore, ADK and BFH..blooddrunk maybe (anyway..great songs) but I was like wtf? Cmon..fifth song was SNBN and the last one was downfall..the last songs really rocked and even the frigging ignorant slipknot crowd was begging some action but then it was already over ;) See, everyone likes different songs..so it's hard for them to choose the right setlist..when I saw them two months or so ago the setlist was just NICE, they even played KTS and bed of razors..I was totally satisfied : D
btt: from "blooddrunk" i like TMR and blooddrunk way more than hellhounds..but hellhounds is still better than Lobodomy..I really cannot get into that song..which is weird because I usually tend to like the songs with "..Bodom" in it..they are nice..from BBQ to silent night and son on..too bad that this one sucks (for me ;) )

Silent Night, Bodom Night is the most appropriate choice if you want to introduce the band to someone. It's fast and it's brilliant. In my opinion COB definitely has to be considered as a band that writes awesome music that is often fast.

You change subject more often than you change paragraph. But yeah about the short setlist (Slipknot tour). They should've started it with If You Want Peace... and if they need to have the classics included (HCDR was a stupid choice) they could've put Downfall way higher on the list...

Everyone has their own ideas about the setlist, but generally speaking I think they were pretty bad with their setlist some time ago but recently they've improved at least by adding Bed Of Razors, Decadence, Kissing the Shadows to the list. But it's funny how they keep playing songs like Hate Me and Needled that have simply been played too much live (they don't do anything to me at least anymore.) Surprises are always welcome of course, but they could at least arrange the order of the songs better. More interesting openers etc. Downfall always last, why? etc.
OP: perhaps part of the disagreement relies in the fact that you may see "Bodom" differently than do Alexi or other fans. A great example of Bodom? Well, first you have to define what "Bodom" is. To me, Hellhounds does a pretty good job representing what Bodom is. You may rather be thinking of what Bodom was (although you seem to be an AYDY fan so I'm even further confused). Hellhounds is high energy, has fast riffing, some nice harmonic leads in the chorus, vocal backup from the other band members, a decent although admittedly rather short and generic solo, and overall some pretty good rhythms. Not my favorite song, but it does its job. And who's rating it anyway? They play it live, okay, but that's because of it's a song filled with energy which is what these kind of concerts are all about.
Overrated? Bullshit

Its just an opinion. I preffer Sixpounder as an opener or Needled 24/7 (although that song is better for middle of the setlist to get the crowd going again) instead of Hellhounds. Living Dead Beat is good too but probably want a faster song for an opener
Necrö;8428243 said:
You find Hellhounds doesn't represent Bodom and yet you say AYDY does? AYDY is much much less representative Bodom's sound than Hellhounds is, and also it's probably the second worst song they've ever recorded.

I do have to agree with this.
Although I did like Are You Dead Yet, but no way in hell is it one of their foremost tracks in the slightest.

The first time I heard Hellhounds On My Trail I did actually like it, but yeah, it is most certainly not one of their finest work.
Silent Night, Bodom Night is the most appropriate choice if you want to introduce the band to someone. It's fast and it's brilliant. In my opinion COB definitely has to be considered as a band that writes awesome music that is often fast.

You change subject more often than you change paragraph. But yeah about the short setlist (Slipknot tour). They should've started it with If You Want Peace... and if they need to have the classics included (HCDR was a stupid choice) they could've put Downfall way higher on the list...

Everyone has their own ideas about the setlist, but generally speaking I think they were pretty bad with their setlist some time ago but recently they've improved at least by adding Bed Of Razors, Decadence, Kissing the Shadows to the list. But it's funny how they keep playing songs like Hate Me and Needled that have simply been played too much live (they don't do anything to me at least anymore.) Surprises are always welcome of course, but they could at least arrange the order of the songs better. More interesting openers etc. Downfall always last, why? etc.

What? If I were asked to say THE Bodom song (not the "Bodom I most like song", but the Bodom song, the one that has all you'll find in their albums) it'd be HCD no doubt. Has fast stuff, has awesome melody, has great solos, has good keys and has great power. What's wrong with HCD?