hello all


Nov 30, 2004
Hi, I've been an Orphaned Land for quite some time but have yet to post. I live in America, Maryland to be exact. I'm 20 and attend college, studying graphic design. I ordered a shirt from you guys not too long ago so you may remember me from that, I suggested that you use pay pal on your site and you listened :). Keep up the good work and hopefully someday you guys can tour the US!
Hey I'm also new - I thought I'd hijack someone else's welcome topic instead of starting my own :)

I heard of Orphaned Land today, and I was so impressed that I bought Mabool straight away. I prefer progressive and power metal to death and black, but Orphaned Land absolutely amazed me. Perfect songwriting and production. Flawless. I cannot wait for their next release.

Which of the older cds should I get first?