Hello Everybody!

Hey there, MORBID! One thing about this board is that it's made up of some cool mofo's! You gotta post and post often, though, so everybody gets to know you and sooner or later their all giving you a hard time about either, a.) a hard thread like your "desert island "album or b.) your love of Jimmy Buffett. Right, BALDYBOY? haha

seriously, though, a great buncha rivetheads in here! I'm probably one of the more "hair metal" type fans rather than the death metal stuff but they never cut me down too bad!

Wango Tango!
baldyboy said:
but we're also the coolest!right guys!

Ya got that right! We're some of the coolest bastards you'll ever see.... all of us but that tedvanfrehleybuffetthairmetal guy. Him and his "desert island' thread can go straight to hell! :D

Just kidding Ted.. you know we all kinda like ya.... :D
Shalom and welcome to the geriatric board! :p

Post a lot and have fun.:wave:
JonnyD said:
Welcome Aboard .... I'm the Village Idiot :D
Ha ha ha that was classic JD !!!!

Anyway, glad to have you here Rebacca. We are a fairly small group and our tastes vary from anything to anything. I am big on prog, but I wouldn't be here if I weren't also big into classic metal and thrash as well. I think you will find this forum like a big "family" if you decide to hang around.

tedvanfrehley said:
Ahhhh Greeno. The only thing bigger than your music collection is your sack, my friend! hahahahahaha This man brings down the house day in and day out. A true play fo shizzle!

Sorry about that Ted, I could'nt pass that one up. It's all Baldy's fault. :)

Don't look now but I think we scared her off.......
Welcome to the board and have a good time, Rebecca! You chose the right one, hahaha.

JonnyD said:
Welcome Aboard .... I'm the Village Idiot :D
Well, I'm a fellow idiot. Hey, Jonny - maybe we can gather enough folks and become the new Village People! I wanna be the the police officer... :tickled: