Hello Everyone!!!!!!

Metal Meister

Bringer Of Death
Mar 16, 2002
The Fiery Pits Of Hell
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The name is Metal Meister...I'm a long time metal head and I just found this board while looking up Children Of Bodom! Favorite bands include Slayer, Pantera, Ozzy, In Flames, Dark tranquility, Sepultura and Children Of Bodom!!! Thats just a few! Looking forward to many Metal discussions!!!!
In Flames are one of the best bands in melodic black metal! They are really technical but nowhere near as goo as COB! COB are in my top 3 bands right now! Everytime you turn around one of the guitarists is belting out another hardcore solo! They are an amazing band! They kinda combine Covenant, Dark Tranquility, In Flames and Slayer!
I'm just one of those guys who's picky about death vocals.If it's all guttural style that can get old.But I do like alot of the other Euro bands like Opeth,Empereor and Dark Tranquility.Alot of times you just find out by word of mouth.My friends are open to death but are not fanatics so I'm not exposed to it much