Hello everyone!

Collapse Generation

Son Of November
Jul 21, 2002
I thought I'd say hi to you all!

I'm a 22 year old dude from Norway, living in a relativitely big city in the southernmost part of my country called Kristiansand.

I have been registered here for a while, but without permanent internet access for the past half year. Until now, that is.

You may have seen me over at the official Pain of Salvation board, where I am a part of the admin team.

Anyway, gotta go now. I wish all of you a happy Easter.
Welcome back to UM, glad to have you with us! You ought to hit up PoS to move their board here..sure beats that ezboard junk ;)

Welcome here!
And - me, I'm "new" here, too, I joined here in january but I was not active for a long time.
Now - I'm here! :)
I'm 21, female and come from Germany (sorry, but that is/ was not my fault, I'll change that in a few years, maybe than I'm one of you :)), I'm student and I LOVE music, especially metal (or I wouldn't be here)...

...well then,
@Russell: Roight :p Btw, your bum looks big in that dress.

@galakthorroe: You study Finnish? Cool :cool: I didn't know you can study it somewhere. Isn't it difficult language?
@~Zeanra~: Yes, I study Finnish mutta puhun vain vähän suomea (Oooooh, bad, bad, I know... :(), but it's not the language that is so difficult but the grammar! The grammar is so complicated that I often forget to learn vocabulary. :)

Here, in Hamburg (Germany), where I live and study, you can study that. Completely it is called "finno-ugric studies", but I'm specially interested in finnish language and linguistics. :)
You are from Finland, right?
galakthorroe said:
@~Zeanra~: Yes, I study Finnish mutta puhun vain vähän suomea (Oooooh, bad, bad, I know... :(), but it's not the language that is so difficult but the grammar! The grammar is so complicated that I often forget to learn vocabulary. :)

Here, in Hamburg (Germany), where I live and study, you can study that. Completely it is called "finno-ugric studies", but I'm specially interested in finnish language and linguistics. :)
You are from Finland, right?
Dein Finnish is sehr gut :) Yeah I can imagine the grammar must be difficult since we don't actually have a grammar, hehe.
Yes, I'm Finnish. Nice to know you can study Finnish somewhere, and that someone really is interested in that language :)