Hello friends from the OLD mailing list...

Paul Villarreal

New Metal Member
Oct 14, 2002
Visit site
Hi. I was just wondering if anyone from the old mailing list days hang out here. (Back in the days before Twilight came out) I used to be on there quite frequently. But after I graduated college in '99 (and said goodbye to all the free high speed internet, I had to quit because the volume was just too much for my poor little free hotmail account.

So just saying hello to anyone still out there.

Keep Rockin!

Paul V. (formerly Rogue Leader)
Hey Paul,

I joined TEoF in late '99..right after you left, it seems. Just thought I'd let you know that I sent a heads up to the list about your post here, in case anyone there remembers you & wants to come say hi. :)

Jax :)
Get an account at Mail.com

I have 10 megs of space in my mailbox, and that actually makes a BIG difference when it comes to how fast it fills up. I almost never go up past the half-way point.

I am subscribed to TEOF in digest mode, and I set mail.com to automatically put the digests in a TEOF folder ... so anyway, supposing I can get online for a while every couple days, I'm fine.

The volume of posts is still quite large (and I hope I don't aggravate that too much), but anyway these ideas might help a bit :)
